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Everything posted by ChrisAHF

  1. What is a good scope and scope mount combo for someone on a budget? I have a stock saiga 7.62 "16 barrel. Thanks in advance.
  2. Does anyone know how much they charge for shipping? Say for a Saiga? trying to decide if its easier to oder it or buy in at a local store.Thanks.
  3. From what ive gathered they were or are used to secure the magazine. I have the opportuntiy to buy a 7.62 saiga with dimples for 290 or without for 270. I know its only $20 but is it worth it? is it better/worse? Thanks.
  4. Cant you with a little gunsmithing make them able to accept standard AK mags?
  5. I dont know if this is the wrong place or just a bad idea. Im trying to locate someone specific. A friend of mine has told me of him and my local gun shop. Anyways, his nickname I believe is sweet pete, he lives in upstate NY, and frequents the Elbridge gun range and also Tims gun and bait. I was told he posts on here. Im looking for some help on converting a Saiga. Any info would be great. Thanks.
  6. I was wondering what the differences are between a WASR-10 and a Saiga. I have a WASR and am thinknig about selling it to a friend and converting a Saiga. Are they more accurate than a WASR? are the milled? Also when I am buying it is there things I should look for? Ik onw with WASR's you have to look for canted sights and wobbly magazine port. Are more Saiga's threaded? I know this alot but any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
  7. I dont know if this is the wrong place or just a bad idea. Im trying to locate someone specific. A friend of mine has told me of him and my local gun shop. Anyways, his nickname I believe is sweet pete, he lives in upstate NY, and frequents the Elbridge gun range and also Tims gun and bait. Im looking for some help on converting a Saiga. Any info would be great. Thanks.
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