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Everything posted by Wolverine

  1. Looks like Obama is considering confiscation of firearms, not just registration or barring the "mentally ill". http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/10/03/obama-goes-beyond-mere-gun-control-hints-confiscation/
  2. Carson does not support semi-autos in the city, only out in the country. Apparently he forgot about self protection, ranges and driving to the country to shoot your semi auto. He's afraid someone in the city will use the the semi auto in densely populated areas to do the citizens harm so we must all pay through prohibition. I like Carson but that nixes it for me. http://www.ontheissues.org/2016/Ben_Carson_Gun_Control.htm
  3. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/donald-trump-outlines-gun-policy-plan-n430041
  4. Thanks for the birthday wishes guys. I am 62 today.......unbelievable. Now I'm eligible for (early) Social Insecurity. I think I'll wait until they don't reduce the benefit by 50% or so. I guess that means four more years of wait time. By then the fund should be good and dry and a new Administration will be pontificating over our economic ills left by the robbers of the past. For now, I am going to have a nice birthday dinner and spend some time with the family.
  5. Some were new and in the box yet. What a waste of guns and money!! http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/08/31/anti-gun-stupidity-honolulu-destroys-575g-worth-police-firearms/?intcmp=hpbt3
  6. Oh, to be just 50 again! Happy Birthday Shannon! You've hit the big one. Now AARP will chase you and you can get a senior coffee at McDonalds.
  7. .....or maybe they wrongly perceived that getting buy back money was better than being labeled a felon and having the guns taken by force by the State anyway. Even under that circumstance, they still had a choice as hard as it may be. I hope it never comes to that here in the U.S.A.
  8. The anti-gunners are focused on this one: http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/port-arthur-massacre-shooting-spree-changed-australia-gun-laws-n396476
  9. No surprise here but now he has said it plainly. He ain't gonna quit trying during the next 18 months. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/obama-gun-control-im-frustrated-lack-common-sense-laws-n397646
  10. No individual responsibility spreads from one generation to the next like smallpox. With no morals, guidelines or boundaries they learn off the mean streets and do what they will until others are harmed and they go to the jail and eventually the big house over and over. It is a major social problem in America. How do you instill values in a person when their parents and grandparents failed to do so. They are destined for failure from birth on. That does not absolve them from from making good choices and obeying the law. But it does explain the culture and sheer numbers that end up in the
  11. Anything to appease the prospective voters. The things that this Administration does to pander to immigrants (both legal & illegal) is just unbelievable. They would sell their soul for those votes.
  12. The Social Security Administration makes a independent judgment about who is mentally diminished and/or ill and unable to conduct their own financial affairs. With one broad brush the Obama Administration would ban 4.2 million people from owning firearms regardless of actual abilities and circumstances. Many would either have to lose their guns or join the ranks of felons if Obama can make this happen. It doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth despite the fact that some are not competent to own firearms. It smacks of condemning all for the sake of netting some. It is counter to our justic
  13. It would seem so but I'm willing to bet some will mysteriously disappear before destruction. The same goes for the ammo. The temptation will be too great. Too bad they can't be auctioned off to those who would appreciate the guns.....and the ammo too. What a waste.
  14. This guy had quite a collection at home. Now that he is gone I can only imagine what will happen to the guns and ammo. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/07/21/los-angeles-police-find-stash-1200-guns-in-dead-man-home/
  15. It's about taking as many guns from as many people as possible. Wait, Obama is not done. When he is done with the disabled he will target the next group until he can make a felon out of every gun owner or force them to give up their guns. It's just a continuation of the liberal ideology that guns are evil and that society would be much safer when all the guns are gone. Even the military cannot protect themselves in recruiting centers and on base. It's ridiculous. But I am not shocked given the general direction of our nation. It just makes me sick to my stomach when I view it all
  16. Finally, some common sense from the bench: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/06/29/judge-orders-brady-center-to-pay-ammo-dealers-legal-fees-after-dismissing/ Brady to pay costs!
  17. The Obama Whitehouse becomes a rainbow. All for the sake of politics and votes. Sick!
  18. We have come to a point where the Courts are treating the Constitution like a "living document" that is ever evolving with societal whim and political expediency. Rights are ignored, trampled or inferred without being expressed. Right has become wrong and wrong right. I fear the country is lost unless there is a massive return to our roots. I don't see that in sight. I feel for the country but for children in particular. They will never know better as they are saturated with the liberal doctrine spewed everywhere. We are in a fight for our voice to be heard. God help the traditio
  19. Wait for the focus on mental health and how that is administered. I doubt most are going to like the new approach to keeping us safe. People who need help will avoid it to keep their Second Amendment rights.
  20. One take on club riders: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2015/05/18/waco-shootout-puts-spotlight-on-motorcycle-club-culture/?intcmp=latestnews
  21. Treason comes to mind. The Clinton's get the cash and Putin will route that uranium to Iran before he is done.
  22. My son is in the Marine Corp now. I feel bad that he and others are being stripped of their right to hear a sermon or prayer in Jesus name. We've come a long way baby.....and it is away from God. Our nation will pay for it like many before it have that have abandon or rejected the faith.
  23. DANE AXE will find better company over on Stormfront with his fellow anti-semites. Racism and related hate speech will not be tolerated on this Forum. Say good bye DANE!
  24. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/03/09/atf-guide-indicates-bullets-at-center-political-firestorm-already-banned/
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