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About RipNTear

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  1. Hi All, I'm finally doing a conversion for my 2 .308s and have been trying to find a good forearm setup. I'd like to have rails for both rifles, but would like something for a two-piece setup (already converted with tubes from Dinzag). It's not clear to me what options are available - looks like everything's for stock setup. Any pointers to rails that may work? Thanks, Rip
  2. It's all publicity - most of that crap is broken/defective/stolen. The goal is to get large piles of arms to sell the television watching public on the ridiculous notion that most people want to participate in their own enslavement.
  3. Got mine today, too. I was an earlier order (less than # 300, if I recall correctly). I was giving up hope on it as well, but it's here!
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