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About SECoyote

  • Rank
  • Birthday 02/13/1969

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  • Location
    East Tennessee
  1. Got my plug!!! It's AWESOME!!!
  2. Are those 8 rounders on the left? Now those are pretty cool. I'm going to look into something like that.
  3. I just bought a Saiga 12 and brought it home. I opened the bolt and pushed the silver detent beside the trigger to hold the bolt to the rear. The little silver piece has went inside the gun and I can't get the bolt to slide forward. Anyone ever have this happen or know how to fix this? The gun is brand new and never been fired.
  4. This is me posing with what my wife refers to as my "girlfriend". She isn't the biggest or the baddest gun, but she is the best gun I own. There is a reason for that. I have found that the best gun is the one you have with you when needed. This little gal is always on me unless I'm in the shower and even then she's close. Sorry to clutter up the site with my mug, but what the heck.
  5. I was always in good shape. Ran several miles a day, did bench contests, Tao Chi Kungfu, All Tri-state noseguard, and boxing. I loved all of it. I was always big for my height though, they called me stump. I went to boot at Ft. Knox in '87 and was 185 which was 30 pounds over as far as the Army was concerned. Three months later I came out of Recon Scout training at 178 lbs. Guess I wasn't too bad from the start. Anywho, A few years ago I started having terrible back pain, but just thought it would pass. However, I started slowing down terribly and got to the point where I could barely
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