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BpS12 last won the day on June 8 2012

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About BpS12

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  • Birthday 06/19/1965

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    SW, Oiho

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  1. I was in the service and we were doing familiarization with the 12ga. It was alright. Didn't get into them seriously until my S12 about 7yrs ago.
  2. Here is a neat little feature the they don't even mention. There is a tiny slot in the back of the barrel/chamber so you can see if a round is chambered. I like the Taurus and Ruger versions better since they offer a tactile component. But I didn't even expect this so I'll take it. The first pic is empty, the second is of a chambered round.
  3. Ok, wth is Obama up to now. "No Meteor Zones"? Just another distraction to cover their asses.
  4. http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?/topic/93516-para-ordinance-1911-black-ops/?p=978822
  5. And my "Dynamic Duo" locked and loaded with 14/45 mags. Further review to come.
  6. Well, I did it. $1,100 later I got my Para. Unfortunately I wont get any range time till Wednesday. I'll post more pics as I get them, but here's one "new in the case".
  7. Before I bullpupped my AES10B, I was doing quarter to silver dollar sized groups at 100yrd with iron sights depending on ammo, from the table. Everything was straight and tight on her but I couldn't find a decent scope rail. No longer an issue with a full length top rail.
  8. Dude, I'm not sure you have that long, lol. Hey, there's still the shotgun. Or has he been working the S12 as well?
  9. To be unarmed is to be a target for every POS out there, gov included. I'd resist(as CT and others), I'd hide, I'd sell what's not needed, but if they chose to just take it? I've long believed that if I am made to do the time, the crime will be WELL worth it. And I wont go to jail for someone else's stupidity.
  10. We used to use live 40s out beyond 200yrds back in the mid 80s. I got pretty good at disintegrating those concrete Ruskies at 300yrds, lol. The orange chalk was for closer range. But that was what..30 years ago?
  11. Agreed Arik, but my thought is how much could still be used for training. Admittedly, some of the "big" stuff may not be safe to fire anymore. If we worry about a pipe jam in our small arms, what could it do to a tank or naval guns?
  12. Ok, here's my highlights of the shoot. I averaged 2rnds per target on the shotgun stage but bypassed on off in the woods completely so lost points. I ran the pistol stage immediately after the shotgun and did terrible. Still shaky from the shooty run and didn't have my secondary prepped, etc. The rifle stage was interesting. You had to adjust for drift, bob and an upwards elevation of maybe 30°. I dropped 2 out of 5 targets with 15rnds. Which I think was about average. Several hit 4 of the 5 and several hit none at all. Iirc, no one dropped all 5. We had almost 30 shooters runni
  13. Here's the shoot stages for this weekends Zombie Shoot at Knob Creek. http://zombieshoot.homestead.com/ZK-Shoot-Stages.html
  14. Now that's just pretty. Nice job.
  15. I lived in AZ amongst Mormans(even some of them admit they're the ones the church didn't want, lol) and most are good people. However I have met alot of people like Bundy that have NO use for government on any level if it doesn't bend to their purposes. Corruption is rampant within small town politics to the point of "business as usual". That said, I've worked for both the USFS and BLM back in the 80s. Iirc, for every 40 acres you owned, you could get a 99yr lease on 1K acres for little of nothing. The USFS/BLM maintained roads, etc with money from the leases, parks, grants. As the cost o
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