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Lone Star Arms

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Status Replies posted by Lone Star Arms

  1. Well almost time to tie myself to a palm tree for Irma..

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Was really concerned about a cat 4 storm ripping through FL. Cat 2 is no prize, but thank God it's not worse.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  2. Really impressed with the Kalashnikov USA KS-12!

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Well, here's the scoop. In terms of manufacturing quality, The KS-12 I have in hand is generally better than the Russian original in every way, with the notable exception of the "Safe Queen" finish (not for daily use), and the absence of a useful manual bolt hold open. Otherwise, every inch of the gun reflects superior US manufacturing standards and quality.




    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. You know, I can't keep posting condolence and support messages fast enough to keep up. That's a sad state of affairs my friends.

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      We won ya'll. We won! So grateful.

  4. 615lb deadlift is in the books

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Ouch! Well at least you can revel in the accomplishment for a while.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. Well I'm back. Been through a bunch of fucking bulkshit lately.

  6. So at what age do your kids stop costing you money?

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Once we make the decision to be fathers, we're in.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  7. Been so long i dont even know where to start browsing first...

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      We miss your excellent Trolling Chevyman. Welcome back!

  8. I haven't posted a recent status update in awhile now.

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      So, what is your status update YOT? Didn't you move to Texas?

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. at 7:04a I became a grandpa to a baby girl

  10. Well, TJ has had all his scans. Tumor board meets tomorrow and he has his follow up with the Doctors on Monday.. He will also be kicking off his chemo Monday as well....

  11. For almost a decade, LCpl Schmuckatelli can get murdered, crippled and come home half retarded from IED shrapnel in his brain. maimed by these evil goat fuckers and no one gives a shit. Let alone make news. While the media is being apologist for the very evil we sent them to fight. Now that a Journalist gets aced it's a big deal??? I really think we need to send more journalist to Iraq....

  12. For almost a decade, LCpl Schmuckatelli can get murdered, crippled and come home half retarded from IED shrapnel in his brain. maimed by these evil goat fuckers and no one gives a shit. Let alone make news. While the media is being apologist for the very evil we sent them to fight. Now that a Journalist gets aced it's a big deal??? I really think we need to send more journalist to Iraq....

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Juggs - You're so mean. The journalist were just there because they wanted to "help". Well, in a way I guess they did.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  13. Keep Saigateen in your prayers again.. Had another scan.. abnormal enough to order more scans done...

  14. So, if Bergdahl can be a deserter, leave ALL his gear behind and pick up his rocker for it, can the hard chargers that did their time at least get their page 11 removed for goin' to chow without their PT belt?

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      It is unfair to make assumptions before his Court Martial. He is clearly a sensitive. blinking, cupcake of a (sort of) man who has chosen to be a Mujahadid. I say send him right back and use him for target practice for drone strikes. Quatar is now a "Target Rich" environment. No time lille the present!

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  15. brother is headed to Assganistan tomorrow. Putting together a care package. Suggestions?

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Hand sanitizer, wet wipes, and extra toilet paper.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  16. laying my cousin's 25 year old son to rest tomorrow. Negligent Discharge... mind your muzzle..

  17. Mom in law passed yesterday. She knew many months ago, and decided to forgo the indignities, and suffering chemo and extensive radiation therapy can inflict upon end stage cancer patients. She did so with dignity, courage, and humor, remaining lucid and active until her time came. Having seen my mother, father, and father in law battle with radiation and chemo - and lose to both cancer, and the effects of the radiation and drugs - in my mother in law's case, I knew she was making a coura...

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Thanks so much, guys. There are those who come into our lives, who we are truly blessed to know. We will miss her.


    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  18. Mom in law passed yesterday. She knew many months ago, and decided to forgo the indignities, and suffering chemo and extensive radiation therapy can inflict upon end stage cancer patients. She did so with dignity, courage, and humor, remaining lucid and active until her time came. Having seen my mother, father, and father in law battle with radiation and chemo - and lose to both cancer, and the effects of the radiation and drugs - in my mother in law's case, I knew she was making a coura...

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      decision, and for her, the right one.


      Never before in my lifetime have I seen someone make true peace with their passing with such quiet, and determined courage. I am in awe.


      She was the daughter of a Police Officer who died in the line of duty, the wife of a highly decorated Marine, and my wife's precious mother


      She was 80, and a true believer. May God bless and keep her.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  19. Facial fracture from a car wreck 39 years ago is coming back to haunt me..... with a vengeance. Surgery in two weeks or so, after a CT scan and a bunch of other tests.

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      Prayers, and best wishes for your recovery YOT!



    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  20. Wishing me Nieces the best as they fly off to Italy to Compete for our National Honor in the WKC WORLD tournament!

    1. Lone Star Arms

      Lone Star Arms

      They'll kick some ass for sure!


      Good luck, good fortune!

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

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