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About Cowtown

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  1. Jon is a good person to deal with.. fast shipping and recoil pad in excellent condition...
  2. thanks Klassy... I am interested.. but had to get a new phone yesterday... set me back on funds... if they are still around on the 1st I will see what I can do...
  3. I don't have the retainer or gas tube.. does the piston have to be changed also? I have just done the basic restoration. Nope, the piston is fine. All you need is like Floyd said, the tube and retainer. Both are very easy to just swap in and out. Yep. I can include all the mounting hardware for an additional 50$, I have a vented gas tube that's been modded to fit a Saiga and a Klassy Kalashnikov lower handguard retainer, both are unused. Where would I get floorplate and followers for my 30 and 20 rd metal mags?
  4. I don't have the retainer or gas tube.. does the piston have to be changed also? I have just done the basic restoration.
  5. Nice... what caliber is it? Let us know how it shoots....
  6. Welcome.. convert it...
  7. Cowtown, Go this route. Buy one of these: http://dinzagarms.co...2x39/74fsb.html Replace your current FSB with the one above. Then buy one of these: http://www.krebscust...shtml#ak74brake It is a true '74 type break but designed for the 7.62 round. It is what I did to mine. Thanks... Now if I just find someone in Ft. Worth to help me take off the old FSB and press on the new one..
  8. Just to let everyone know.. I heard from Mark's Wife... he is in the hospital and will be out of commission for a few weeks and will not be able to fill any of the orders that have been placed. Lets give him our best get well wishes. I am sure he will make good on his ad. Mike
  9. Good Luck... things will get better for you...
  10. Nice... if you want to sell the forearm grip when you get the quad rail in let me know. Mike
  11. I use the Hogue and I have no wobble or side to side movement... I used the the Tapco grip nut and a short screw with a little red loctite. Mine has no bottom either. I think someone does make a cap for the bottom but I have not looked for one. If you find a dealer please let me know.
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