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About PFerris

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    Advanced Member

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    Central Ohio

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  1. Winchester super X 000 buck is the go to round for a saiga 410 IMO. They will get the job done and never a jam.
  2. And everyone thought Obama was going to disarm the country. This is a smoke screen to get your attention away from the Russian investigation. Not that it won't do damage, it will be bad, and it is just getting started.
  3. At AIM in Ohio at their show room they have SGM tactical 10 round Saiga 12 mags for $26.99 this week and 22 ammo at $1.99 per 50 on several brands.
  4. Thanks for the reply. Not interested in a Tapco folder. You can sell all that stuff on this former in the sale of parts section.
  5. White punks on dope. These shootings are really way out of hand, it is just hard to believe it keeps going on.
  6. Reverse of the order you put it on. Oh... you did not put it on. Really not much there except barrel and it is pretty tough compared to the rail. Hey, question? What kind of stock is on it and which way does it fold?
  7. That is a great looking spread. Man that chicken and the beans makes my mouth water. I am sure it is as good as it looks.
  8. Go to DinZag site. He is a sponsor here. He has all the info on how to thread as well as the specs for the dies and barrel size. Good info to check out if you buy or not. All though always good to support sponsors when you can.
  9. Oh yea eating fish is the only thing better than catching them!!! Man they look great.
  10. Very nice fish Chile. Congrats to you and your son. Enjoy the fare as I know you will.
  11. You could shoot it with the cover off and then on to verify your theory. I believe it is probably the cover anb your new cover will clear the problem. Interesting though thanks for the info.
  12. A .357 mag revolver is about as good as it gets in a pistol. Yea a 44 mag is bigger but not as lean and mean when all things are considered.
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