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About aka_mythos

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  1. Except for magazines. They will tend to weaken if you leave them fully loaded for long periods. Springs don't work like that. If a spring weakens from being fully loaded its a defective spring that was either designed or produce incorrectly or been exposed to some environement that would induce embrittlement. A spring's functional limit is based on its elastic and compressive limit; those limits represent the point at which the spring permenantly deforms. As long as magizine is properly designed it shouldn't even be possible to stretch or crush a spring to those points. If a spring isn't
  2. The important part of that law that's been omitted it part C: " c) It is a defense to prosecution under this section that the actor’s possession was pursuant to registration pursuant to the National Firearms Act, as amended." Basically that its not criminal if you've registered through the NFA.
  3. Congress would need to be more precise in its actions than defunding the BATFE. Consider the fact than the 1986 ban on the manufacturing of machineguns by unlicensed manufacturers was done by zeroing out the BATFE's budget for processing the forms necessary to do so. If you zero out the BATFE's funding entirely you effectively ban all NFA items, you ban new FFL's, and a whole bunch of other things.
  4. In fairness to the elected officials who try to defend our rights, this just broke on the weekend and even in the best of circumstances it'll take them time to strategize the best approach for dealing with this. Monday is presedent's day and these offices are closed for the long weekend, no doubt this is why this weekend is when we found out, it dulls our ability to react.This is a decision imposed by the executive branch. The legislative can either re-write the law or re-budget the agency both take time. The Judicial branch can only really react if someone sues, that means atleast waiting unt
  5. I think it's an important time to challenge the "sporting use" clauses of these laws. They assert that it's because of other specific provisions of the law but those definitions hinge on their asserted authority to prohibit unsporting firearms and ammo. Its that perceived authority that allows them to arbitrarily say it is no longer for a "sporting use" and allow them to prohibit it. That standard is unconstitutional when it interferes with constitutionally recognized "defensive use."
  6. The threat to a home invader that they'll be pushing up daisies or that you'll turn them into fertilizer suddenly have a more literal meaning. Too bad the police would have a problem with these if you actually tried to use them for gardening.
  7. I'm skeptical. The larger arc of rotation of the unfurled bullet(s) would generally better stabilize the flight, but only if it's balanced. The fact that they have three orbital masses mitigates balance issues but also means it's less stabilized than if there were more. I think the greatest detriment is that the unfurling of the orbital bullets should reduce the overall kinetic energy. I doubt it has a comparable range to a single projectile. The spread increases hit probability but to the sacrifice of damage per hit. It'd be interesting to see how the other bullets react in a situation where
  8. Just to play devils advocate... There is established precedent where by individuals contractually renounce particular rights in the course of that contract. For example non-disclosure agreements are a contractual suspension of one's freedom of speech. In this case if the terms of the contract say the tenant must live under any imposed bans on property use, its then a part of the agreement of living on someone else's property... Legally no different than if a landlord says no outdoor grilling or no pets. The Constitution protects our rights only from Government, not from ourselves. Sesinctly: y
  9. They're modelling this on the way NFA items are "taxed" since the way those items are taxed and the way in which its been used to prohibit the ownership of new machineguns has already passed muster with the courts. What they don't forsee is that while a single law is a device for Government safeguard a pattern of laws such as this in addition to NFA would likely result in the whole practice being found unconstitutional. A pattern of laws designed to effectively prohibit or add a barrier to the free excercise of a constitutional right has already been found to be unconstitutional. In other word
  10. Its always good to hear nice things about this... I've been tempted everytime I've seen one, but I always heard negatives about the alloys they use in the reciever.
  11. It means they check whether you've been admitted to a mental hospital, regardless of if you did it to yourself or it was forced on you. Its a pretty dodgy way to avoid the privaleged confidentiality of patient and doctor, since it doesn't actually ask if you were an actual threat. It'll only be a matter of time before someone sues over this since it unduely shifts the burden of proof on to the gun buyer to show justification to the contrary.
  12. Road rage... this reminds me of one of the incidences that first prompted me to get my CCL. A number of years ago on my way home from work one day, I'm coming on from an entrance ramp... its a long merge and there is a gap in traffic allowing me effortlessly merge a little early. Even though there was nowhere for the guy to go he speeds up and tries to zip up the remainder of the merge and get in front. Coming from behind me he only ends up side by side with me by the time the merge ends and he's driving on the shoulder. He starts swinging over into my lane. I hit my horn he continues so I si
  13. If this is representative of weapons in NY, no wonder they want to ban them for aesthetics.
  14. The "infalibility" of the Pope, as defined by the church, only extends to his ability interpret Church teachings. People misunderstand what it means to be infalible within that context; it is analogous to how the Supreme Court has the final say in the interpretation of US law. Its merely a supremacy of interpretation. Papal infalibility also is confined to that hierarichal position in the church and there are procedural aspects to it. The Pope can't just say something and it becomes the will of the Church. A statement made within the infalibility of Papal authority must be written and declared
  15. That's funny... They obviously mean a 90rd drum. Silly reporters and your ignorance.
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