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termite last won the day on July 10 2011

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463 Excellent

About termite

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  1. About $6K in 3 months and my daughter comes asking for $2.5K more, am I wrong to say NO, get your shit together, I didn't do this to you your mother did, why should I have to pay for it, and we've been divorced for 22 years. Love my daughter, but DAMN when's it gonna stop? TONIGHT, she left all pissed off when I said NO, NO ,MORE money, I'll provide the guns and bullets for you two to shoot it out, but NO MORE MONEY

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. paprotective


      My ex gets $100/wk support.. and my 10 yo son is appreciative for the $35 net10 phone I just bought him with a camera..

    3. nlacy


      Going through the same thing with my dad. A little awkward telling dad he needs to get his shit together...

    4. Zombiehunter762


      I have never got any money in my life other than from my pay check. I had a rich Uncle and didn't get a dime, even though I worked for him for 11 years. If I asked for a couple hundred bucks, they would look at me like I'm crazy. Just stand your ground and say no.

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