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About Azkamidaka

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 05/25/1988

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  1. Sent a msg about the drum for sale, very interested.

  2. Thank you both for playing! Thanks for the opportunity to buy steel single stacks csspecs, and for the forum discount code.
  3. Schwow. I’m taking credit for keeping the dream alive. LOL.
  4. Ive been stroking my deepest dreams about the possibility of some double stacks that will respect OEM style 12k poly or triA folders for some now, hell I bought two of the first run of md20’s. Step one has happened, DS mags are a go. I just want one I can fold my stock and still use. LOL, same story since I ever posted in any of these, please Mike, lol. I supported you man, this whole time. I have 6 drums now between my two saigas. I want to see metal DS mags happen so bad. The whiff of them in your videos made me quit buying drums lol. God bless you MikeD and you Csspecs both if the mags happ
  5. Great unique build, looks great! Im digging the stock. Are those brass shells in the drum?
  6. Fantastic to know that things COULD still happen, I appreciate the realistic candor csspecs. At least it looks feasible.
  7. I am so onborad it’s not even funny. I wonder if they will be “AK push up” worthy and if they will clear a s12c type left handed poly folding stock. I remember buying two of mikes drums when they first came out. I can’t wait!!!!
  8. I still have a S12 CHAOS quadrail that the receiver mating key split on me. I phoned in spoke with you in particular Cameron, explained my issue, and was very gracious to be told that I need not purchase one, I could have a mulligan sent to me free of charge. I was passed off to a secretary. I gave my information and was told it would be shipped out. That was several years ago now and it never showed up. Do you still have spares of the receiver mating key by chance? TIA Edit to add: Not trying to be a dick, it was a solid rail and I’d like to get it back up to speed. If I can buy one of th
  9. Is this still an underground thing? Any definite “hell no not happening” news I missed? I hope to GOD there is still a chance. Drums are still for sale but I think 5 is enough between two saigas.....maybe....
  10. Fantastic work!!!! It looks so badass next to the krink. Great job man!
  11. Dreams...possibly coming true......what is happening? Been lurking years.....such happiness at this news. Wow. Will they clear factory style folders? I know it's too early to ask, but I asked back then when it was still new developments....so happy right now ha ha ha. News! Awesome. I've never lost hope.
  12. That's a slick idea on his part considering the russians are still working on circumventing the sanctions of their firearms. It would be a development. I am so glad I was able to get a piece of russian steel before, though an American based couterpart would be cool to see.
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