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Posts posted by pfin3

  1. Ok, I am planning on replacing my front sight block w/ a bulgy one I have had sitting around for quite some time. The question is, should I change the gas block, and if so, which one should I get and what else will I need to do? Thanks for all the info everyone is willing to supply.

  2. Looks darn good! Hope mine turns out that good. Thats what I ended up purchasing and also in the same color. Thanks.

    I have the TimberSmith set in Red. I have to make up some fill in pieces to keep it from moving around. But I am happy with how it came out.

    Looks darn good! Hope my turns out that good. That is what I ended up purchasing and in the same color. Thanks

    What exactly did you have to do to take care of that problem?


    I made up some wooden shims that are the same profile as the hang guards and stock. I had to keep the upper hand guard from turning freely. I did the same thing for the lower hand guard to keep it from moving up and down. And I made one up for the butt stock to it would sit when I wanted it. It only took about an hour to make them all. Here is what it looks like installed.



  3. I have the TimberSmith set in Red. I have to make up some fill in pieces to keep it from moving around. But I am happy with how it came out.


    What exactly did you have to do to take care of that problem?

  4. ...but has anyone used timbersmith or ironwood furniture?


    I have the timbersmith brown laminate stock set on my 545 and personally think it looks great. It's good quality shit. I was stuck between the brown and black laminate, and the russian red wasn't available when I was converting otherwise I probably would of bought that. They also sell an unfinished set but I don't know the first thing about staining wood :smoke:


    Sorry, my shitty camera doesn't do it justice


    Looks Great :super:


    It does look great!

  5. Thinking of putting wood furniture on saiga 5.45 and have a few of questions.

    1. Has anyone used the TimberSmith wood on theirs?

    2. Has anyone used Ironwood Designs on theirs?

    3. What has to be done to install either of these on the rifle?

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