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Everything posted by rwsackett

  1. Outstanding post Cobra! This crap is totally outrageous. I hope Americans keep getting frustrated to the point of forcing this country to represent us.
  2. Thanks for the consideration! Seems perfectly reasonable/pragmatic to me.
  3. I'd have an interest in some reliable, safe fleshettes. Thanks for looking into the feasability B! Cool project.
  4. Michiganders do rock... This thread is hilarious!. I must say Dinzags shirts are totally Badass- Jugg knows his stuff (just not his typing ).
  5. Congratulations B! Thanks for all you do! 4 years, wow thats longer than many relationships. Keep doin' watcha do man!
  6. My .02: I would hate to see any good board member leave just because they need to contribute as little as $5 to start a thread in the "for trade/sales board". Thats really not asking for much for board upkeep and to keep "random" sellers from just passing through- likely with no loyalty to the board or its members. Hope you stay.
  7. +4 and I'm afraid you are right about those assclowns causing more problems....just a matter of when...not if.
  8. Yeah. It sucks that she's only right 97% of the time.
  9. Now you have heard from an authority! I stand corrected.
  10. I am not an authority but I think your right. If I remember correctly, it is the VEPR design that drops in.
  11. well, the choice in the poll is "side mount with rings" a POSP with integral mount doesnt have rings. What 44rdv4rk said. I've got a POSP which I can easily swap between my .308 16", 21", or my 16" .223. I generally leave it on the 21" .308.
  12. My compliments Bvamp, your work looks really nice! FWIW, I'd hire you over hiring an illegal.
  13. Gotta love a happy ending. Ahh, the circle of death, er, life continues!
  14. That's great!!! The wife and I are pulling for them too. Enjoy... and say hello to Lord Stanley!
  15. That's awesome! The wife and I are huge Caps fans. No sports related tattoos though. 'Course the Redwings do have a slightly better history! Funny post 44rdv4rk! I'm surprised that the guy didn't "forget" the phone number to 911.
  16. Probably. And I wish I was kidding. If you want an inkling of how even western society starts to warp when you reach critical mass with respect to uniform religion, go live for awhile in Utah. It's not hostile. It's passive aggressive. And it's not anyone's fault, really, nor is it deliberate, but it really is human nature to vilify the "other". Woefully misguided Skull, most Christians I know will turn the other cheek to the point of almost not fighting back. Also, as a sidebar to the Utah reference, Mormons are not Christians. They have a whole series of post new testament
  17. I'll give you this Tigerclaw. Nobody stereotypes like you do!
  18. I'd love to shoot with you guys. I think the logistics might be rough but it would be great fun!
  19. I agree with DaGroaners sentiment. And it should be noted DaGroaner is not a Fundamentalist.
  20. I've got a POSP 4 x 24 that I really like. No problems and the glass is clear. I would recommend it. I have no experience with the Eastwave personally, but I do trust Tritium's opinion.
  21. I read your post as being obnoxious to Juggernaut, especially in light of your comments rearding the USMC on another thread. Moderators regulate, this ain't a democracy.
  22. Being proud of my country is something I'll never be ashamed of. I recognize your national pride in your posts as well. Pride and respect in things that are bigger than we are as individuals can actually help to keep us humble.
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