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Status Replies posted by Dad2142Dad

  1. Well I'm back. Been through a bunch of fucking bulkshit lately.

  2. Decided to lift instead of shoot today. Was rewarded with a nice PR deadlift of 600lb

  3. Happy Birthday, Marines!

    1. Dad2142Dad


      Best day of the year

  4. Hats off to Kansas. Requiring proof of American citizenship for voter registration is fundamental to the integrity of the process.

  5. My prediction is that if Bernie Sanders wins the nomination, he will pick Andrew Coumo as his running mate.

  6. was honored to have Nailbomb as a houseguest over the weekend.

    1. Dad2142Dad


      Now that must have been fun

  7. !Just shot my draco......Damn that trigger I got custom polished from Shannon from Cobra's is something special!!! Quick! Best trigger in the collection hands down, thing of beauty to pull.

  8. I've always liked Fall

    1. Dad2142Dad


      I would agree but all of my minions have moved out. So I have to do leaves this year

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. aw yeah, whers them pistols at.....awwww.....you motherfuckers. fuck you.

  10. I like it when somoen owes me a grand or better. makes this all the much easier. its time, settle up with me or im gonna light it up. you owe me THOUSANDS of fuckin dollars with your buddies.

  11. I fell into a position to help a guy who helped me get to where I'm at today. Glad to have the opportunity to do so, but upset I wasn't able to help more.

  12. Some nice high 80s today. Nicre break from the 102 heat days. Going to tak the boat out for a relaxing day!

  13. So at what age do your kids stop costing you money?

    1. Dad2142Dad


      I'll always be there to keep them out of the street. Doesn't mean they don't struggle, it is important they do struggle to appreciate what they do have.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  14. Got to see a good few meteors last night. was pretty awesome.

  15. Just bought a Wasr-10... Man vacation is terrible on the wallet

  16. Fergosun again. how long are we going to put up with this shit?

  17. Shop got a near hit lightning strike.. Took out the phones and the network cards on a couple computers... Should have everything back online by midweek.

    1. Dad2142Dad


      Nice nothing like sitting around fishing in MN

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  18. Shop got a near hit lightning strike.. Took out the phones and the network cards on a couple computers... Should have everything back online by midweek.

  19. Watching the deer in the yard - lots of fawns just out of spots.

  20. Watching the deer in the yard - lots of fawns just out of spots.

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