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Everything posted by ShadowFire

  1. Tried to upload a new pic. It said server has returned an error or something like that. Whhaatt? lol

    1. YOT


      It's been like that for months. The only way to show a pic is to use a third party server like photobucket or imgur. I don't always want to load my storage with a food pic just to show at this site. LOL


  2. So any idea yet as to if it will be problematic like the Catamount Fury? It takes internal chokes btw. The stock looks on the beefy side too which makes sense if you're trying to disperse force over area to create a better shooting experience.
  3. Yeah I'm just glad I bought my S12, VEPR .308 and VEPR 12-02 when I did. Even chased off some annoying birds with the VEPR 12-02 recently.
  4. Man I'm glad I bought that VEPR 12 and VEPR .308when I did. That's bs man...

  5. lol Well push comes to shove, remove barrel pin, pull barrel, insert it into a lathe, dial in concentricity, mark proper length, insert threading tool, select proper settings (Speeds and feeds baby.), turn it. Check threads with thread gauge, remove from lathe, repress barrel, insert barrel pin. There is always a way when you have enough material. But most just wanna use a die. It's understandable. Don't forget your Tap Magic and to make sure your threads are concentric to the center of the bore before you start tapping.
  6. So if you have .875mm extra on that barrel you can thread it for 5/8-24 (I converted .625") Total conversion measurement is 5/8=.625'=15.875mm (Edit) Unless I'm forgetting something. How much material does 5/8-24 need anyway?
  7. You'll notice on the ribbed cover that there is a more defined roll on the metal that rolls inward to make the ejection port when the die in the press comes down to strike and create the top cover from the sheet metal. I wonder if some of these top covers are made from worn out dies or incorrect geometry.
  8. Nice, I've been wanting a Mini-Uzi pistol in 9mm but the problem is no one makes them anymore and the only ones I can find for sale are the .45 versions.
  9. I own a Marlin and a Marlin copy cat (Rio Grande chambered for .45-70 and a Marlin 1895 SBL chambered for .45-70. They both side eject spent casings.) Mine is a Corporate buy out Marlin. An 1895 SBL chambered for .45-70, Mine runs smooth.
  10. Damn Spacehog, this post is still going. lol Well since we're posting pictures it seems. Here's the FAL. Also other .308s I have are in my gallery.
  11. That's right, forgot about that. Well you could remove the charging handle/bolt carrier, use a standard AK bolt carrier and a standard AK top cover, reuse the spring guide and spring as well as the bolt. But you'd be spending more money to make it even more of an S-12 clone. However like others have said, cast trunnion. Not good. Buy VEPR, remove magwell, have Evl mod it for S12 mags. Easier, cheaper in the long haul and higher quality.
  12. That would be the most accurate question. Which parts are cast? Barrel is easy to tell. Gas block and trunnion forged? No big deal, rear trunnion cast, no sweat. Piston, puck, gas regulator bcg cast? I'm getting worried. If it takes abuse and it's cast, it's an issue. Assuming the castings are minimal stress and impact items, the one knock I have on them is that they have no side rail. I know guys want to slap optics on their S12s and VEPR 12 gauges so why would you omit that? Yeah you might have to charge a little more but not that much more for a quality rail that is made to receiv
  13. From the album: Shadow's Guns

    Happy Birthday to me! Happy Birthday to me! It finally got here. My late birthday gift to myself (Why not right?). Got this one online and when the customary background check went through, it was all mine. This is the 7.92x57mm M48 Yugoslavian Mauser. As per my request when I selected the hand selected option, good condition bore, cupped buttplate. This is the early model M48, there is no stamped steel that is used on this rifle, NONE. While I like stamped steel because I like Kalashnikovs I do appriciate some craftsmanship (I graduated trade school with a machining diploma wit
  14. ShadowFire

    Shadow's Guns

    The album name is kinna self explanatory isn't it?
  15. Generally speaking in most cases the tail of the trunnion usually deforms and mushrooms to a certain point and then it quits. It almost never really causes performance issues. Is it a cosmetic issue? Probably. Does it really matter? If you want a safe-queen rifle maybe. You can always grind a G2 in to the geometry that you want if you think that will help.
  16. Another way is to buy extensions and if they are new factory mags the springs won't be long enough so you'll need to buy the extended springs. Tooth and Nail as well as Salem 6 are options I know Salem 6 sells both springs and mag extensions.
  17. AK Bootcamp 2016 Jackson, TN
  18. From the album: AK Operators Union AK Bootcamp

    After two days of instruction and about 500 rounds sent down range the graduates take a group photo. Not pictured is fellow bootcamper and local Jackson, TN LEO, Sgt Laney who took this picture. Great guys, good times. I'm the one in Multicam on the left in the back with the ugly dorky looking face.
  19. From the album: AK Operators Union AK Bootcamp

    Myself standing taking instruction (Left side in the Multicam plate carrier.) from Rob Ski and Paul. 9-18-2016
  20. From the album: AK Operators Union AK Bootcamp

    I took this picture for Rob Ski and Paul when I arrived at the AK Operators Union AK bootcamp site on 9-17-2016
  21. When they come in, they come in batches. I have no idea when the next batch will be shipped which is why I bought my welded factory folding stock one when I did. Tried it out with some Win PDX rounds I had. It's nice. Probably better to save up and get one when the new batch comes in. Mine never made an appearance on film or in photos but it was with me the 2 days I was at the AK bootcamp with Rob Ski and the rest of the AK Operators Union bootcampers. I had just got it the day before on my travel day to the bootcamp. Anyway I'm rattling-on. Save up and buy one when the new batch comes
  22. Damn, I'm gonna have to send you some SBS work one of these days.
  23. Just now uploaded my VEPR 12 pic. Been busy this weekend. Did the AK bootcamp with Rob Ski and the AK Operators Union.

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