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Everything posted by im_n2_vws

  1. I used my tubing cutter to make a line on the sleeve. Then I used a hacksaw. Just work it real carefully. Less chance of getting into the barrel than using a dremel.
  2. Do you want something like this? They mount between the pistol grip and the receiver. http://www.echo93.com/#!products
  3. Someone may have already removed his cover over the threads. Unless he is the original owner. Mine had a cover threaded over the the threads and was tack welded in place, I removed the 2 tack welds and removed the collar, it had the detent to hold the muzzle brake on too.
  4. Hell Yea!!! I have some on back order too, but as far a as I know Ohio doesn't have any commie legislation coming YET.
  5. I bought it from the original owner that bought it at a gun show, new in the box. The picture isn't very clear but the serial number begins with 93 and the import date is 01. As far as why it waited that long to be imported, I don't know? http://i204.photobucket.com/albums/bb119/im_n2_vws/100_0009.jpg
  6. Manufacturer Year (Prefix): 1993 Importer: EAA Corp. Cocoa, FL Import Year: 01 Gas Plug: 2 settings Gas Puck Style: new Recoil Spring Dust Cover: yes Bolt Hold Open: None
  7. Seems like I remember a guy building an underfolder saiga on here. And it seems like he lived in a commy state that required him to permantly fix it open, after all the work he had done.May have been on another site too. I would love to do that ot my 7.62 saiga.
  8. I had to modify the gas tube to get it to fit, so it must be 47 tube? I thought 74 tubes would fit the Saiga's? OH well atleast the finish matched the rest of the rifle perfectly.
  9. #6 Desert Fox Outfitters sells an Izzy 74 gas tube. I have 2 coming and can let you know what I think of them.
  10. Yea, I've thought of that. I haven't been in the basement since I placed the order. I figure it's waiting for me to step on it. Or in about a month my wife will walk up to me like she always does and say"Do you recognise this?"
  11. I feel bad for the guys who waited or couldn't afford them before. But as far as I'm concerned, I like the fact that mine has almost doubled in price since I bought it($300). My wife says it's not an investment if you have no intention of selling. But to me they are like having gold in my safe.
  12. Are you wanting to like a database of information for Saiga .410's?
  13. I went ahead and ordered one from Carolina shooters supply. I posted here after doing a search on this site but not google. I paniced, didn't remember seeing one for sale anywhere. This screw up only cost me $16 shiped to my house. I wish all my screw ups were this cheap:)
  14. I just removed my gas block to see what size gas holes I have. I've got the spring and 2 pins but can't find the detent thing? Not sure what it's called. I had a rag in place to catch everything so I thought. I have crawled around on my basement floor with a magnet trying to find it with no luck. Is there anyplace I can get one, or am I screwed? Just did a Google search and found one at CSS.
  15. He has not respnded to me either.I thought it was funny he mentioned the rare difference in the threaded muzzle compared to other sgl2161's. I always try and be respectful, because you never know but they may have been misinformed or lied to when they bought it. I tried to to be nice to a guy one time trying to sell a preban MAK90. I explained to him that there were technically no preban MAK's. He got nasty with me, and told me to mind my own **ckin business and that I knew nothing about ak's or mak's. The last time I spoke to him I sent him a couple links to pages showing the differences i
  16. I ordered the cheaper Bulgarian one from Kvar and they sent me a US marked one. It did match my Tapco butstock perfectly though.
  17. Well, I knew it wasn't an sgl2161. It wouldn't have the plugs in the holes in the receiver for the extra trigger pins. I knew the threads were wrong too. I just would hate to see someone to pay $2000 for a home converted Saiga. I was thinking that it was a sporter imported by Arsenal. Converted by this guy trying to pass it off as an sgl2161.
  18. It's either a case of he was lied too or mis-informed when he bought it, or he is trying to pull a fast one on somebody. I contacted the person who created this add about what he was claiming it to be. We'll see how that goes. Check it out. http://www.armslist.com/posts/1100871/phoenix-arizona-rifles-for-sale--saiga-legion-arsenal-ak47-threaded-barrel
  19. It's a 68. Yea, you are right in the current climant in this country. And the anti-gun media, adding fuel to the fire with headlines like In Boston "Large capacity machine gun feeding devices found in OUI vehicle" .Nobody wants to add more fuel to the fire, and be the first guy who gets convicted of 922 compliance issuse.
  20. My Arsenal is quite a bit nicer than my converted Saiga. You won't find any sign of a "conversion" on these rifles. There are no holes for the extra trigger pins or the holes for the hanguard on the bottom of the receiver. I can't evan tell it was welded. Some people claim they are imported in a different configuration than the "sporter" Saiga's. The fit and finish is superior to a sporter or converted Saiga. Now I'm talking about an Arsenal (Las Vegas not Fime group) SGL2161 and a Saiga that was converted by Century that I bought second hand. It also has a nicer fit and finish than either of
  21. I love the feel of the Hogues. I have them on 5 out of my 6 AK varients.
  22. I have a Tapco G2 in all my AK's including an Arsenal SGL 21(the arsenal trigger felt horrible to me).I couldn't tell much of a difference between the Chinese trigger and a Tapco G2 after installing it on my MAK90. The beauty of the FCG is that it counts as 3 parts. . On my MAK90 I run the G2 FCG(3 US parts), a Hogue pistol grip(1), and a muzzle brake(1)=5. I run Blonde Chinese hand guards and a blond chinese buttstock and still have enough US parts. Unless I'm doing the math wrong, but as far as I know no one has evar been convicted of not being 922 compliant.
  23. A Chinese MAK90 would be a great choice too.They aren't the easiest to find, but what is right now? I love mine. I have 2 chinese weapons, a MAK and 56S pre-ban. You will want a straight cut receiver, looks better with akm furniture. Just my.02
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