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Everything posted by shootsmuch

  1. after countless hours of tumultuous analysis i have come to a conclusion. dump the stuff that dont work and shoot the stuff that does work.
  2. hey if she shoots then all is good. i have heard some real disasters on this forum and i have been responsible for a few of my own in my long and illustrious gunsmithing career, u should see what i did to a mauser about 10 years ago....lol.
  3. dude, you should just stick to breaking rock with a sledgehammer.
  4. i was told all Galil 35 rd steel mags are per ban, is this a fact....
  5. i agree, dont wanna open a can o worms, drilling a second hole.
  6. checked out my stell Galils yesterday with newly installed BG, flawless!
  7. i am going thru the same thing. a .223 Saiga and mag options. i dont like the idea of a mag adaptor which requires grinding trunnions, thats just me. so im going the bullet guide route and just recieved my Danzig guides for both round and flat trunnions. so i just layed the bullet guide into the chamber last night(no glue, no screw) just to see what it would do. i put in a Galil steel 35 round mag and the gun chambered nicely with me working several rounds thru the action by hand. i will be installing my guides today and will get back with results after i go out back and dump a mag or two...
  8. which Loctite are you guys using and why....
  9. sounds heat related. that chamfer might be the ticket...just grab a dremel with a small very fine stone and start very small and see if it helps.
  10. theres 50+ year old russian AKs that have fired 10s of thousands of rounds with little to no maintenance and are still being used in battle as we speak.
  11. Could we get music played to this....lol.
  12. i was in a local gun shop and saw several fully converted saigas differant colored stocks in AK configuration and they appeared to have bullet guides already built in. they appeared to be riveted. Are the new Saigas being set up for AK mags now?
  13. can keeping mags loaded for long periods of time cause them to malfunction when needed most by possibly weakening the spring..
  14. Can 5.45 mags be used or adapted for a Saiga .223?
  15. Lets see, your hunting on state land for yotes during yote season where their might be other hunters also hunting for yotes, you quickly get bored and start shooting at trees and even worse bump firing. If you did that during deer season in NY it wouldnt be the cops that you would have to worry about.
  16. i apologize, in my haste i typed 5.45, but i ment to say 5.56, damn metric system!. Has anyone had any good or bad accuracy experiance with shooting 5.56 out of their guns? i seem to remember one poster stating his accuarcy suffered shooting 5.56 out of his .223?
  17. what differances are there between the .223 and 5.45 Saiga rifles? from what i have been hearing on this site is that you can shoot the 5.45 round out of the .223 rifle without any issue...has anyone shot 5.45 out of their .223 Saiga with any good or bad results?
  18. I like how suppliers run out of stock on certain calibers and when they finally get it back in stock they bump up the price another 10%. Man i can remember when a Saiga sporter rifle could be had for 250 bucks, and that wasnt long long ago?
  19. With all this histeria crap about Zombies, end of the world BS have you guys seen what we have done to ammo prices???? YEA we are our own worst enemies! The ammo companies are lovin this, we are suckers...man even cheap crap ammo is triple the price it was 5 or 6 years ago...Now with this election thing and all this end of the world crap(which i think the manufactures dream up) a cheap box of wolf ammo will be 8.99$ before all is said and done. and guess what, when the dust settles and the zombies dont show the price will not come down?
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