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Everything posted by shootsmuch

  1. Here's my experiance, im not an expert but can tell you guy's this. A friend who i have been shooting with for about 22 years has bought atleast 8 differant AR rifles in various calibers over this time period. I have personally watched him have problems with just about every one of these guns from jamming to no fire and a host of other things, and he has bought some of the best? To me they just seem to be finicky rifles.
  2. With a Legion Arms side scope mount installed can the dust cover and gas piston be removed and can the rifle be properly cleaned without removing the scope and mount??
  3. I apologize for posting a question that has probably been gone over thousands of times on this forum, but i have researched this and tried using the 922r calculators, which in all honesty have just added to my confusion....
  4. if i install a Dragonov style butt stock like this http://www.saigastock.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=26&products_id=141 i will be OK as far as Fed compliance because its not a true pistol grip, right? if i install a Tapco t-6 style stock like this http://www.tapco.com/products/saiga/index.php?_a=viewProd&productId=159 i will have to change additional items to remain in compliance correct? if i go with the Tapco T-6 what else at minimum will i have to do to get it to be AOK for uncle Sam.
  5. hey guys i have been looking at scope mounts and have looked at the top dust cover type rail mount (which has a neat clean look) but have my doubts about this because the dust cover is just not a solid piece on the gun, it looks like it can move, unless im missing something. so this leaves me with the side mount which looks pretty cool and appears to me like it would be solid. do the side mounts come back to zero when taken off and put back on the gun, and how well does a light work on the side rail of the side mount? so i guess my final question is which one to buy? thanks in advance guy
  6. so is using a wire brush not recommended?
  7. hey guys is the windage adjustment done on the front sight pin or rear, and how. and can i use a copper cleaning brush to clean the crome lined barrel.....thanks
  8. is a scope mounted to a rail which is part of the dust cover secure??
  9. probably not, thats what i'm alittle afraid of, lol..
  10. well guy's im an ole time shooter, mostly bench/bolt action distance shooting. i had the opportunity to shoot a friends .223 Saiga freehand out in the woods at assorted targets and now im going out monday and buying a Saiga in .223 monday....really looking foward to this.....
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