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Everything posted by Voltia

  1. Free floating firing pins make small depressions, like not even a dent. It should be like 5% of a real hit, not 50%. Always check a new rifle with single rounds, and do a chambering and extraction/ejection check before firing.
  2. This multiculturalism will kill a country for the very simple reason that, if you come from a third world shithole, and you insist on bringing the culture of the third world shithole with you, then you will turn the new country into a third world shithole. Anyone who claims to be a X hyphen American and not just an American is part of the problem.
  3. Hell, we just need to apply deer hunting on public land rules to these Mussies. "If it's brown; it's down." Works on most illegal immigrants, too.
  4. I don't think the Ford guy had the right reason on the dipsticks. Car company I work for stopped the dipstick on the transaxles and transmissions because people were putting the wrong stuff in there, dirty stuff in there, or over or under filling it when they did, and destroying the transmissions. They figure if the person is smart enough to want to service the trans, then they can pull the pan, service it, and fill it through the factory fill port, which is fairly easy to find, but not for the average idiot. They think that a closed system is better, and to service it at X schedule miles down
  5. This... I can measure the open pressure loss in the valve spring on a race motor from an open valve over a one month time. All real race guys loosen all the valve springs to prevent this over months between seasons. common steel music wire springs do fatigue from full compression over long periods of time . Just ask any mechanical engineer. Or call the engineering people at any custom spring manufacturer. This mechanical engineer has discussed this very thing on here before. People believe what they want to believe.
  6. Couple thoughts. Ruger is fairly new to centerfires; they've been mostly a rimfire and revolver company, with some giant semi auto pistols until their more recent polymer wonders. Certainly good guns, but they were a budget company which is trying to step up. Similar with Savage. A lot of people extoll the hell out of Savage, and their recent trigger is good, too, but they are also a budget company trying to step up. A lot of people that swear up and down that Savage is the best haven't experienced anything more and have validation bias. That being said, they are good rifles. Weatherby
  7. I view good cops the same way I view good muslims. If you're not busting your ass to fix the system and stop the crimes of your brothers, then I really can't trust you. I'd like to, but it comes down to what motivates you. Are you going to take the side of the cop in the wrong, or the citizen in the right? I fear home invasions by police of the wrong address. What happens if someone gets no knock warranted, the cops kick down the door, and he goes Rambo and kills them to defend his family and home? In my opinion, the home owner was right, because the police were there illegally, but no
  8. Live healthy and get checked up at least yearly. Don't go to a small town doctor who's not worth anything. Exercise, diet, and medical checks will drastically improve your odds. That, and a positive attitude. The way you do that is tell us you're going to make it, not wonder about it. My grandma declared she was going to do 100, and she did, and in style. Broke her hip a few months later, never really recovered, and soldiered on another six months, to 100 and 10 months. She pretty much called it.
  9. These things are rarely black and white, as anyone in a technical area knows. For millions of rifles to have a statistically insignificant amount of this behavior, and not much more, there has to be a specific set of circumstances for it to have happened so few times. If it takes extreme dried oil and dirt to freeze parts in place and not return, is that on the manufacturer or the operator? How about if it takes pressing the trigger while holding the safety halfway down to make it fire when the safety is removed? Manufacturer or operator? Depending on what you read, it apparently takes
  10. It is unfortunate the above happened. I have the same issue with good police as I have with good Muslims, which is that, of your brothers in your organization, some are bad, and doing bad things. If you are not standing up and demanding accounting, and change, and improving your group with 100% of your being; then you're part of the problem. I have issue with police brutality. I have more issue with how it is handled. In my opinion, a policeman who steps out of line into brutality gets the same criminal charges as anyone else for the same act. If you don't think that's fair, you can qu
  11. Darth, you may be quite right. I THINK I heard that you hold the safety halfway on, pull the trigger, put the safety on, then, when safety is released, it fires. Obviously, no one in their right mind would do such a thing. More stuff. http://www.uplandjournal.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard312a/ikonboard.cgi?act=Print;f=1;t=70203
  12. My old man and I have 3 700s and use them as deer rifles. They have had the safeties moved to off and unloaded a thousand times or so total over 30 years. I heard you have to something odd to make this behavior happen, can someone explain? Chile, recommend you go 30-06 in BDL. Superior to .308 and readily available.
  13. Saying to burn this bitch down is inciting a riot. The way to stop riots is to pass the word that citizens are allowed to protect their property by any means necessary. That guy should have caught a 150 gr round to the face for shouting that. I am tired of people's bullshit; black, white, brown, yellow, whatever. We just need an understanding from our court system that no legal harm will come to anyone defending life or property, and then these problem people will self-select themselves out of existence. Shooting them is faster, cheaper, and more reliable than arresting them and putting
  14. Usually when someone's gun blows up, I think ammo, not the gun. Between my old man and myself, we have 6 Taurus's; a PT-92, a PT-101, two 740 slims, a first gen Millenium, and a Judge. The first two have been reliable, heavy triggers, and mags you have to fight to load. One slim my dad sent in for trigger work, and mine works fine. Some failure to return to battery when breaking in. The millenium also went in for trigger work. The Judge has been good. I view Taurus as the bottom quality that I will go. I consider them working pistols that are safe and reliable. I do not consider them e
  15. Sounds like it's time to use public land hunting rules. "If it's brown, it's down."
  16. Sigs are built well, but they are oversized in areas which make them clunky. HKs are beautiful, on the other hand. My favorite autoloading pistols are 1911s and USPs. The P7 is also a sexy beast. Perhaps a Sig is a better duty sidearm, but for citizen first class me, HK makes the best double action hammer pistol, and perhaps the best striker fire, although I have yet to shoot one of those. I got two of the stainless slide USP compacts in 40. One for myself and one for the old man. I chose 40 over 45 since the pistol was slightly smaller and had a slightly larger mag count. I do o
  17. Pretty much. I saw Indy's response before he put that smiley up, lol.
  18. Beefcake, I am not sure how you don't know this, being a moderator, but there's no bar set for a post being useful or not. Oh, and a moderator shit talking people is also against the rules, if you really want to go whipping out the rulebook. Me personally, I don't care, go ahead if you want. Besides, my post was useful. I'll repeat: it's just a rug. Roll it up and mail it. However, I'd be very careful displaying it. I know you're trying for that worldly college kid tapestry on the dorm room wall thing, which is a tried and true method to getting the poonyanny, but considering the
  19. It's just a rug. Don't know why you'd want one, being as how it is part of the #1 Anti-USA religion of the world right now, but it's still just a rug. You trying to make a flying carpet?
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