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SmilinEd last won the day on April 1 2015

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364 Excellent

About SmilinEd

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    Executive Member

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  1. Was hoping Trump would open the import market back up but the whole russia, russia, russia lie closed that window... We will be lucky to hold onto what we have...😐
  2. I havent checked the whole interwebs yet but any direction would be helpful..😁 I have read previously that not all 74 brakes are the same... TIA
  3. Hello everyone Its been awhile for me also, remembered my password so i thought I'd say hello..
  4. Work ethic and pride in service were a lot different back then. Men acted like men. Work ethic and pride in service were a lot different back then. Men acted like men. Yep, now I'm thinking this shit is happening bcuz of Trumps LGBT community not welcome is the armed services
  5. If Ur just a lite beer drinker the Platinum will knock you down.. What is the alcohol in that...? 6,0...? Some beers can get carried away with the fruity flavors, my wife like Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, but sez Great Lakes Brewery Cherry Wheat is better
  6. Got half case of the Shandy in the basement, I love the Canoe Paddler, to die for but it is seasonal, drank more of the Sunset Wheat than the Shandy this summer tho, Blue Moon Belgian White is a reg beer on weekends too
  7. Alaskan Amber Ale, their Summer Ale is very tasty also. What you guys drinking...?
  8. Ammo cans, 2 50 cal from Tractor Supply past weekend, $10 each, went back tonite and all the remaining 50s were gone, damnit...!!!! Hope all is well with you guys..!! Ed
  9. Well, Caitlyn Jenner supports Cruz so that should cheer you up..
  10. Yes, the question could have been worded differently, Have you ever been completely Satisfied with a job you've had in the past or present...? Pay, challenging, comradery..? Been there, for several yrs, job is no longer there, but I still have those friendships with those ppl who I shared that time with.
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