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Everything posted by dubya

  1. Critterkiller I'm going to hang onto the SSA unless the upper sells for now.
  2. Trying to sell the upper & case of ammo as one for $1150 shipped conus. If you're interested I can forward you links to the build parts, I have about $940 into the upper and about 80 through the tube. I don't WANT to get out of the 6.8, I have to.... stupid no contact order is forcing me to turn in all weapons even though it had nothing at all to do with weapons.
  3. I have one full unopened case (500 rounds) of Federal XM68GD ammo for sale. This is a 90 grain Gold Dot bonded bullet and on top of 6.8 ammo being difficult to find/expensive this particular round is extra tough to get a hold of. I'm asking $500 + 1/2 of actual shipping cost via UPS ground, which is a pretty good deal. I also have 200 loose rounds of the same ammo, 20 SSA 110gr Accubounds, 20 SSA 85gr TSX rounds and lots of brass. For now I'm not selling in small quantities, I'd like to sell the case & the loose rounds together or the case alone and all the loose rounds alone. I will
  4. You can find the new 40 round PMAGS everywhere huh? Would you mind sharing some links? No I buy things to use, not sell. You must have been one of those guys that spent $50+/mag three months ago based on your attitude.
  5. I found some PMAG 40's finally, I've been looking everywhere for a couple and only found them on GB for way too much. Anyone shot them yet? I assume they're just as good as their other mags. I haven't measured exactly how much longer than PMAG 30's are but they're not overly large in the gun, you definitely wouldn't want to shoot from a bench with them, but I don't even shoot 30's from a bench. They feel less clumsy than my 40rd Bulgarian mags for my S762. Few pics for you AR fellas.... (my Colt LE6920 with PMAG 40)
  6. Glocks ALWAYS go bang, are cheap, light and are reliable but.... let's face it, they're like the Ford Focus or Chevy Cobalt of the pistol world. Simple. Reliable, cost effective but every 21 year old has one and while they're good at everything, they're not great at anything IMO. I've owned 11 different Blocks (29,26, 19, 20, FDE 21, 32, FDE 17, three 36's and a 22), I used to love them but after 6 years of buying, shooting and carrying pistols I've come to love the 1911 and pretty much ANY modern FN pistol. Sorry if my post makes no sense, I didn't watch the video, just seen"Block" was me
  7. Thanks guys, its fun to go search for them and anyone can be good at it. It's a lot of fun for the kids too plus you cam make money for free if you find nice ones like above, $20-$100 up to the thousands for one rock! Thats a free gun lol.
  8. The clear ones? If so, yes I've shot a lot of them. They sound different compared to American 00 buck, smell different and feel underpowered compared to normal Federal or Winchester 00 but I sure wouldn't be scared of much with 8 rounds of it in a S12!
  9. I'll send you one or two if you PM your address. They won't be my boig ones but something with good character and color to get you a couple MN agates.
  10. Every year from Spring-Fall I hunt for Lake Superior Agates, mostly at work (I'm a cement truck driver so I'm around rock all day) but also on the weekends whenever I'm out and about. Anyone else collect or have any "Lakers"? If you're not a collector but have one or a few I'll buy or trade gun stuff for em! Here are a few of the better Lakers I've found this year so far.
  11. Tylenol is a teeny problem compared to what I used to put in my body 5-6 years ago. If you're not getting drunk 1+ times a week and popping Tylenol at bed time I highly doubt you'll experience any issues with your liver.
  12. No cures here, just a bottle of water and two Tylenol or Advil right before passing out does the trick for up to a 18 pack. If I forgot water & pills before bed (which I usually do) it's drink about 4 more beers in the morning then slowly sip a few more until I'm feeling 110% again.
  13. Its yours then, shoot me a PM with your address and I'll do the same.
  14. ;Check out Cannon brand safes. I have the Scout model, 42 or 46 gun capacity 3 shelves and comes with door storage for quick access to a long gun and pistols. They have big and smaller models and from everything I seen when looking for a safe they're just as well built as the Liberty but aren't as "pretty" looking and they're cheaper. Mine has an electronic keypad and normally $999 got mine on sale for $899 plus another 10% off that for opening a store credit card with no interest for 6 months. Shop around for a deal, seems safes are always going on sale.
  15. Obviously I wouldn't be here if I didn't love my AK's (Saiga's) but I prefer the way an AR can be almost 100% customized to however you want and many different calibers. That's all
  16. Both... Ohh cmon john I know you have a stronger opinion than just "both"! I don't blame you for going one way though, I'd be beat if I said what I think here.
  17. Use the firing pin. I was actually talking about needing something small to remove the pin that holds the firing pin in place. Maybe a pointy bullet would work, pen or pencil, rock, pretty much anything but point is AR's are damn near as easy as AK's.
  18. I found this when I web searched it; It is a barcode that the carrier has to scan everyday, so the higher ups know when the carrier is at a certain point in the route. It is a way of controling the carriers, making sure they are where they say they are when they say they are. The good thing about it being in YOUR mailbox....The carrier HAS to come to your box every day, weather you have mail to be delivered or not. Otherwise the carrier might not come to your door, which sucks if you have outgoing mail. Stop ignoring member Remember when you could just go to work, do your fucking jo
  19. Is he really just picking on all the other AK vs AR vids where they think the AK is the ultimate rifle?
  20. Yeah I agree. I honestly think the AR platform is just as easy to strip and reassemble as an AK besides needing a small object to take the BCG apart its just two simple pins you pop out with your fingers.
  21. I wouldn't even pay $500 for that and I'm not kidding. The only good part on it is the TWS otherwise I'd just buy a new common Saiga 7.62x39 for $399 at the local shop. I still see WASR 10's trying to be sold for $800-$1100 and it just sickens me that some unknowing noob will actually pay that...
  22. I also have one 20rd box of Hornady Superformance 185gr GMX 338 Win Mag ammo I have no use for if anyone wants to trade for it.
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