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Posts posted by ShadyVepr

  1. Well the drum hit my door late friday night and I did not find it till the morning.


     First impression its not as big as I thought don't take it the wrong way its BIG :)


    LRBHO does not function on my gun I emailed customer support and am awaiting a response auto mail said they were gone till the 1st but would try and answer in the evenings


    If you have one of the original side folding stocks at least on my gun you cant put the drum in the mag well with the stock folded to the side it holds it out at least 1/2"

  2. well its true they are sold out


     Did you want them to put hey we have never had any in stock but feel free to sign up for one.



    froim your website "We are sold out at this time & do expect more , Please enter your Email & we will notify you.

    We have not sold any drums yet and are currently testing the Vepr 12 DRUM , The listing on our site states they are coming soon and encourages our friends to sign up for the Notification list .








  3. I disagree with you his post was very appropriate and non attacking. If something fails its good to let others know so they can check there items and make sure they are good to go.



    Your post carried a different tone from the title.

    The title fit very well with your name. You clearly didn't intend an attack - but that's what your thread title tastes like. I'm sure he'll make it right for you. He has an excellent reputation for being a stand-up guy.

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