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Posts posted by Dogster

  1. I've never watched them, never will. There are enough "awards shows" to give every actor one of some kind. They are the most self centered people ever! What if everyday workin folks had that many awards?? "AND THE PLUMBER'S CRACK OF THE YEAR AWARD GOES TO.............."  Even if they get their way, which by all accounts they are, as the Academy says its gonna change the way it does them, future awards will now be tainted to the point of rendering them completely worthless. Any future black nominee/winner will wear the stigma of doing so " only because they are black". They don't seem to want to discuss the "Black Awards", or BET, since those are obviously not racist. I say just cancell them all, no one will care but the actors.

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  2. Seems to me Wal Mart is only trying to comply with laws governing liquor licenses. Looks like the Gov't is trying to put retailers in a precarious position, using different laws against them, forcing them to choose. They aren't refusing open carry, just a CYA move on their liquor license. You don't think the libs would use an error like that against them? Wally world just taking the hig road to keep both licenses, imho. Give em a break!

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  3. This is not new, it has been going on for quite some time, beginning with the inception of "Obamacare". Back in the summer of 2014, when my doc asked, it was cleverly disguised as  part of normal conversation, "like do you still hunt?". I called him out on it, and he told me they are required to ask, as part of the "system" of computerized records. He & I go back a ways, and he already knew I own several, as we have discussed the topic before. Both my wife & daughter are in medical field, and they indicate it is a requirement and has been for some time.  The failure of the "system" to track mentally unstable individuals is being explained as the privacy of health records. Now that the libs have successfully installed a socialist medical system, is it really a surprise that they would use it to further other agendas? 1 way or another, they will create the national database of weapons ownership they so desperately want. They are patient, but focused. They have not lost sight of the objective, but continue to take these small, unobtrusive steps towards the time when everything is in place.

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  4. 1st of all, I agree all citizens have the right to carry. 2nd, what bothers me the most is the term "homeless veteran". Why the hell does this term even exist while our sorry-assed government coddles illegal immigrants with housing, jobs, welfare, food stamps, WIC et al. Even worse, it intends to bring  10k "refugees" from parts of the world that hate us beyond tolerance and PROVIDE them with homes, jobs, and the same assortment of benefits, all the while ignoring our veterans, defrauding the promised health care to them, and cutting the pay and benefits of our current members of the military. Its past the time to throw the bums out.


    These criminals deserve the very worst the legal system can deliver. They are too stupid to understand the man they killed, offered his life at 1 point in order for them to live free. I fear for the lives of my grandchildren and great-grandchildren. They may never know what has been lost.

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