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XD45 last won the day on November 21 2019

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7,124 Excellent

About XD45

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    High Functioning Sociopath

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  1. Now $212 a case shipped. So another 2 cases for the stack.
  2. The track of the container ship makes a lot more sense if the collision occured an hour earlier than originally reported. The initial reports made it look like the container ship made the bizarre course changes before the collision. But the revised timeline has the collision happening before the course changes. The ship collides with the destroyer, turning it off course. The auto-pilot turns the ship back on course. It takes the crew some time to realize what's happened and take manual control of the ship and turn back to the point of collision where they presumably make contact with the
  3. 2 things. This was no accident. A container ship doesn't make wild maneuvers like that. I'm embarassed that the crew of a US destroyer allowed their ship to be rammed by a goddamn container ship if they weren't anchored.
  4. I have no problem believing a leftist nut trying to murder republicans. I also have no problem believing horrible marksmanship from a nut. Fortunately most nuts will be unskilled. Micah Johnson was an exception.
  5. The fascist left is the western version of ISIS. They don't want unity. They want us dead. This only gets worse from here. Each attack will only inspire more.
  6. The media was SOOOO wanting the rifle to be an AR-15. Their disappointment is palpable.
  7. Enjoy yourself. Don't try to shoot as fast as the fast guys. Take the extra half second to get the hits. I'm no gunslinger but I consistently finish in the top half of my matches because I get my hits.
  8. Dude there's already a thread about this. But I can understand if you didn't see it, considering the overwhelming traffic on the forum these days.
  9. Violence against nazis is always justified. FACT. Anybody who isn't a socialist radical is a nazi. FACT Now add 2 and 2...
  10. He was one of the few actors that wasn't a douche. Rest in Peace.
  11. If you think universal background checks will accomplish little to nothing then you don't understand what it is actually meant to accomplish. It is meant to close the "loophole" that allows people to buy and sell guns without government knowledge. UBC gives the government the registration database that they need to accomplish their long term goals. Waiting periods accomplish nothing. They are just a silly distraction meant to appease the weak-minded.
  12. Background checks and databases and bans, oh my... Gun owners who are too reasonable can be duped by "reasonable restrictions". That's why I'm an unreasonable gun owner. I will not be reasoned out of my rights and the rights of every law abiding citizen. Fortunately the majority of Americans still support the Second Amendment. But these days the greatest danger is not to the Second Amendment, but to the First Amendment. In just about every western country you can now be thrown in prison for expressing the wrong opinion. But here in America we have the First Amendment, the absolute
  13. They insist that people use their real name on their accounts. If they ever have any doubt that the name you're using is not your legal name they will demand proof. I suspect a snowflake objected to something I posted and flagged my account as "fake". Which it was cause these days you can lose your job or get sued for a facefuck post. Or be targeted by antifa scumbags or islam scumbags. google/youtube had a similar policy which forced me to change my youtube id a few years ago to my "real" name. Or at least to an id that looked like a real name to a machine. That policy was droppe
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