Well, here goes an add to an old thread. Abilene area? About 45 minutes North. I own a 12 and .410. I almost had a 20 a few years ago, but the guy wouldn't deal. Would have loved to have the whole set. I am pretty much enamored with the saiga 12 though. Great project. I would love to get together with anyone and burn some rounds if you are close.
in Central
Posted · Edited by shadowwalker
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Well, here goes an add to an old thread. Abilene area? About 45 minutes North. I own a 12 and .410. I almost had a 20 a few years ago, but the guy wouldn't deal. Would have loved to have the whole set. I am pretty much enamored with the saiga 12 though. Great project. I would love to get together with anyone and burn some rounds if you are close.