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Everything posted by Rods

  1. hmmm, pm me a price :}
  2. Looking for the chaos wave muzzle for the saiga 12
  3. Had a gun smith do a convertion on my 433 he also installed the chaos quad rail for the vepr , he had to grind down the inside some so the sling holder would fit back , took about 5 minutes to do , looks good I like it
  4. Like to trade this to some SGM mags or will sell for 85$ shipped . It's brand new never used
  5. Thx , that worked I was told that the vepr hand rails will work for the 433, I was having problems finding a quad rail .Steve at saiga customs said they will swap out,dunno if there is wood furniture for the vepr
  6. try this http://thisismy.smugmug.com/Saiga/
  7. says file to big, I dont have any photo edit program
  8. Newby here, all the vids Iv seen or forarm removals are different than mine it doesnt have the sling bolt holding it on , how does the model IZ 433 come off thx
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