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About edelweiss

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  1. Guys Im looking for a Saiga WOOD "sporter" style butt stock. It doesnt have to be factory or even 100% condition. Let me see what you have and what you want to part with it. ITS EASIER FOR ME IF YOU SEND AN EMAIL TO: edelweiss@comcast.net (ref saiga stock in the topic). Thanks
  2. I don't know if the holes for the pins are consistent enough for it to work, but IIRC there are pin on front sights for the Mini-14 rifles where you push out the pin in the front sight slide on the flash hider, and then insert a longer pin to retain both of them. That might be an option. Thats the problem, which ones will line up correctly. I dont mind looking buying one for a different rifle, but which rifle interchanges with the Saiga? I see lots of different styles that I like but Ive always hesitated because no one could say if it fits a different gun.......... Any ideas woul
  3. Sorry Im "computer challanged" and especially deficient with pictures. Many have tried to explain it to me but I cant seem to get it, perhaps its because the last computer class I took had punch cards.... The stock seems to fold fine. It locks open and closed and thers no bend to it. The issue is that when the stock is folded I can push the safety down but not far enough to make it click in the fire position. I suspect if it was FA it would move far enough to click in the FA position just not to the semi position. Otherwise all is good. Im currently looking for a way to carry it
  4. Well, I picked it up yesterday because I had an assignment that was questionable (and well because I wanted an underfolder...). After I cleaned the metal shavings and the the storage grease, I gave it a closer look. Man its a rifle only an AK fan could love (and I do!). So after a little sesion to beak it in I was off to work. Only this time my Glock had company. I purposely kept the passenger seat cluttered with a day pack and a couple of magazines ( the reading type). My Rommy was resting barrel down on the floor with the grip leaning against the passenger seat. It was comfortabl
  5. So heres my build update:SAIGA/SOCOM SAIGA 308 16 inch barrel Samson rail AK top cover with flush mounted rail and HK sight Adjustable cheek piece (made for M14) Trijicon scope (NV in the future) Two Surefire 6P flashlights mounted at 9 and 3 O'clock in Viking Tactics mounts Possible green laser at 6 O'clock in the future then I'll add a IR filter on on light and perhaps a IR laser insted of the green laser Im stocking up on factory 8 round mags, so far I have 7 of them (I may convert them to 10 rounders). I actually like the shorter size because it keeps the rifle more compact.
  6. Im looking for an EASY to INSTALL flash hider or muzzle break for my S308. I dont have any equipment or technical know how to do any gunsmithing magic. So Im hoping theres a pin on type or some other idiot proof type. WHATS AVAILABLE?
  7. Im in law enforcement, I occasionally work some executive protection details. Its mostly boring with some occasional excitong moments. Some times I take part time extra duty where I dont have the use of my issued Special Response Team gear because of departmental policy. When Im working an off duty assignment it can be as simple as cruising an apartment complex to keep the kiddies from playing ball around the residents cars. Rarely theres a true BG assignment. Even then the BG jobs are mostly from a client that just wants a armed escort around town. This is a case of what should be a
  8. I did notice the metal shavings still left inside the gun, and youre right its not pretty especially compared to the YUGO ...BUT... it was cheap enough to make it an impulse buy! I remember when all AKs were that cheap but those days are mostly gone. I needed a weapon compact enough to deploy from a car when working high threat assignments. It has to be concealable enough to transport without attention, small enough to ride on the front seat next to me, and be usable in case I have to leave the vehicle in a hurry while "screaming like a girl" for back up which will likely be several mi
  9. What do you think of the Century Arms conversions of the WASR 10s. I put a deposit on a new underfolder for $450 it was almost $200 cheaper than a YUGO underfolder but not as nice looking. The YUGO was out of my discressional money range and the WASR looks functional. Am I wasting my money? I keep telling myself its an AK so it has to work... I want it for a "point that way and go bang stick" not a collector or a one hole punch. What do you think??? Sorry if I wasnt clear, its been converted to use regular AK hi cap mags.
  10. WELL for what its worth theres a guy on auction arms selling 3 for $75.oo. I was thinking they would be cheaper than SAIGA 8 rounders. Thanks for saving me the hassel
  11. Will vEPER 10 round 308 mags fit and work in a SAIGA?
  12. This has been MORE of an issue than I ever anticipated. There are plenty of rails for stock AKs but very few as youve noted will work on a Saiga without a front handguard retainer. The Samson looks the best to me BUT its $240 and thats almost as much as I paid for the rifle. When you add the top rail for the Ultmak the price is over $300, although I do like the longer length of the ULtimak (long version). I thought I had found the perfect solution in the UTG SKS Tri rail, its cheap at only $40 and looks like what I want BUT ofcourse is not made for the AK or SAIGA. I spent a frustrating a
  13. Im looking for a handgurad to put on my S308 16 inch model. I want something on the order of the M1A SOCOM with rails on all four sides. Id like to find the kind that is all metal is a simple replacement. I seem to recall seeing someone with one but cant find it now. Any suggestions? Thanks
  14. Well I cant see 308 ever drying up, but it surely will become more expensive just like 3006 used to be cheap and readily available as surplus. As far as a MBR, I personally would put a S308 (converted or not), among the top choices . Back in the day it was FN FAL, G3, and maybe M14, versus the AK and SKS. Now you have a AK in 308 at a great price, and its hard to imagine a better alternative. There was a time that I wouldnt have chosen anything but a G3 for a go to war rifle, but that was when we were so sure the Soviets were coming through the Fuda Gap at any moment, or the Cubans were
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