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Anyone catch what weapon was used?  26 dead and 20 in the hospital.  Here comes another drive to ban magazines and semi-automatic weapons.  Get ready for the gun control groups to seize upon this tragedy and the gun groups to plead for more cash to combat them.  Obviously the killer had some kind of axe to grind with Baptists or Christians in general.  Maybe he was mentally ill or just plain evil.


Edit to Add:  I see the CNN article above refers to a Ruger AR "assault rifle" as the weapon used.

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There are some churches where a few of the members are frosty and well armed. An event like this would not last long. That headline would never make the national news as it doesn't fit the gun control agenda.

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Radical leftwing democrat bernie supporter and atheist according to his facebook page. With possible antifa ties. Dishonorably discharged from the air force. his killing spree was stopped by a citizen who shot him in the neck with a rifle.





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Dishonorable Discharge after court martial from Air Force.

He could not legally own a firearm after the dishonorable.


Once again, criminals and evildoers know no respect for laws, other people or property.

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I have the feeling this one will get buried real quick, especially since all signs are pointing towards radical left/athiest/antifa, who wasnt even legal to own a firearm. I dont believe they will be able to capitalize on this one. Kind of like how there was really no push for gun control after that lunatic communist democrat shot up the republican baseball game.

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This guy was a real POS way before this happened.

Kelley was court-martialed in 2012 for two counts of assault on his spouse and assault on their child, Stefanek said.

He received a bad conduct discharge and confinement for 12 months.”

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This guy was a real POS way before this happened.

Kelley was court-martialed in 2012 for two counts of assault on his spouse and assault on their child, Stefanek said.

He received a bad conduct discharge and confinement for 12 months.”

Prohibited person twice over. DD, and domestic violence conviction.


From news reports, it sounds like he was equipped to repeat this horrific act at other scenes, and was shot by a lawfully armed citizen responding to the shooting. We'll never know how many more lives were saved, but thanks to quick and heroic actions of a good guy with a gun, many innocent lives were likely saved.

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This guy was a real POS way before this happened.

Kelley was court-martialed in 2012 for two counts of assault on his spouse and assault on their child, Stefanek said.

He received a bad conduct discharge and confinement for 12 months.”


Prohibited person twice over. DD, and domestic violence conviction.


THIS needs to be repeated everywhere! This was not a "gun problem," probably a "mental health problem," but definitely a legal enforcement problem!

Proving once again that more gun laws WON'T help!

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This wife and child abuser, went to his ex wife's Church to kill the Christians that he hated. This is a HATE CRIME, pure and simple. Fueled by the vindictive and hatred that the MSN pumps out at these weak and defective people. The blame is squarely on the anti assholes pretending to be 'news' , when in reality they are deliberately pushing an agenda of pure HATE for mainstream Americans.

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These people are absolutely disgusting. Unfortunately the freedom we've allowed in this country has also allowed these sick anti American scum to get into power positions and push their garbage and dillute our stregnth. Something will have to give at some point or we will completely lose our way of life and all that is good.


One problem is that they have infiltrated our educational system and indoctrinating the youth from a very young age. They say now that the majority of millenials support socialist/communist ideals, and that is a huge problem. The fact that we would even allow a commie like sanders to hold any position, let alone run for president, is a disgrace. The fact that we allow football players to disrespect our flag in public (even while in foriegn countries) and allow people to burn our flag is thoroughly disgusting.


Unfortunately the freedom that we have allowed may be what destroys us.

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We have a few friends that not only go to that church, but live in that area.  One of them was a babysitter for some of those killed. She is very distraught right now.  I hope Hitler and Mengele are having spooning practice on him......

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I'm just pissed that the sob passed the NICS check. How in the hell did that happen? Two major disqualifying incidents and he passes? I've done transfers for federal agents with all kinds of credentials that get 3 day waits, and somehow this POS passed?

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Good guy w/AR took down the nut.


I'm glad he practiced proper gun control!



Seems almost like a gift to stumble up on some murderous nutcase who needs attention.

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The US Air Force has said it is investigating its apparent failure to enter information about Texas shooter Devin Patrick Kelley's criminal history into the national database.


To quote Col. Sherman Potter... "Horse Hockey!"  :angry:

"We forgot" is NOT a valid excuse!

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American Hero who stopped the scumbag.



sick f*uck broke his toddler stepson's skull and abused his wife, causing court martial and discharge. he even abused his dog..what a absolute piece of sh!t. Former freinds say he was "vocally anti christian" and "pushed atheism". he wore a skull face mask during the shooting..what a loser.



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