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What is with today’s young men and shooting people ?

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3 shootings in a week by young men is very disturbing. For a young male to get so frustrated so angry that they feel they must to make a final life statement while they take people along with them to the end is just madness. This shouts to the cancer that has formed in our country. Will we finally listen?

Why not Young women? Why is it just young men? It is not the guns fault; it is young men who have no male role models or mentors to get them by when puberty ends and the struggle with basic maturity begins. I think we have entered a time when this behavior will be much more frequent.

Having worked with young felons and still mentor them in their 30s. I fine they never have had the guidance to be moral men and are suffering for it by their misguided actions. To this day they are angry and frustrated and just need to have a father figure to talk to and this is what I do.

If they are sex offenders, it is doubly hard to cope because local society adds more walls to their frustration (Where they can’t live and work etc.). Most are offenders because they have been raised by women with no male guidance at all. Even the churches reject them.

This is the result of our country’s moral and family breakdown. Our focus has gone from personal moral character to things and self-gratification. God Help Us! We must turn this tide of cancer and we must understand it will take all of us, together.  It will not get done overnight or by taking away peoples means of protection.

 God Help Us!

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Well said, Jerry. Not sure what to do about it, either.  :(

I live near Dayton, and I've been to the Oregon District a couple of times. I don't go there very often, though. I have a Black Belt, and nearly 30 years worth of martial arts and meditation training and found that is one of the best ways to teach people how to deal with stress, life and attaining goals. Unfortunately martial arts training has been lumped-in with hunting and shooting sports, and when the stores stupidly pulled all the gun magazines (reading materials), they also pulled the martial arts magazines from the shelves.

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this i think, is mainly a lack of consequence of action understanding.

what would the heritage of any of the victims or the shooters be 300 years from now??

maybe one of these people would have cured cancer, or thier great grandchildren found the cure to cancer?

moral decisions are ones from the heart and soul. this isnt being taught any longer, as it is no longer PC.

happy holidays? for real? curse me out on the internet because its a box? for real (what do you do when i show up at your doorstep and ask you to repeat what you said to me).

this started with the hippies and all the nonconformist crap that led to punk rock and then on to the tech boom where noone gives a shit about the reality of the world and thier fellow human being. my generation X is no exception.

General Washington gave away cannon and arms....you dont see anything in history showing that some nutjob shelled a town with them....

because im pissed off at the world and everyone and everything, does not give me the right to inflict suffering on others because of it. my conscience tells me otherwise, and its that is what is lacking in this society, and will continue to, until it is addressed.

do your job, mom and dad,  brother, sister, cousin, friend.

you are not alone in this world, and you arent the only one who is angry or lost at times....we all know what the issue is, but who the fuck knows how to fix it in a way in which everyone agrees.

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AND instead of an edit to add, i will say this --

you wont catch me with my pants down throwing my car keys at you.....fuck that. im armed 24/7, ill cure you of your mental instability real quick.....

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Just my two cents worth:

"Bvamp" mentions P.C.

Well ... my theory is our society ... or the West in general .... is paying for the nutty ideas of the political left AND the emasculation of our society in which males are so often held in contempt now. It's like a form of racism is being aimed at guys for imaginary reasons which somehow become dogma anyway. 

As I recall, much of this began to gain steam during the first Clinton term with the imposition and mainstreaming of P.C. which itself is rooted in communistic ideology. The left always tries to give something a nicer name. Add to this how American churches (whether liberal or conservative) tend to have feminine cultures (even if there is a male pastor) that cater to women, and the left's appeal to maternal instinct, and it's a recipe for problems.

I'd like to share how I am tired of "Progressive Auto Insurance " commercials that feature beta-male guys, and moments like how one of the last Star Wars movies featured Laura Dern as some "I know better than you" character. The last Star Wars films are the result of beta-males and women being in charge. Sad ... really sad what they did.

I am not an Alpha-male/Special Operations kind of guy. However, I (and thousands of other men) am tired of society-wide themes of contempt, criticism, invalidation, marginalization, and suspicion of men - especially white men. I am convinced we are seeing the liberal left do to our society what my emotionally abusive mother did to me. The only difference is scale. A demand for power rooted in insecurity is at issue. Basically, the left is projecting its collective insecurity onto society. Men are the target and being forced to pay for the left's self-loathing.

As for this forum's audience, I am deeply concerned by the thought that today's society could not win W.W.II like the Greatest Generation did. We had a more masculine/traditional society then. It wasn't perfect, but it had the foundation that was needed to win a two-front war.

This trend of praising & uplifting all things feminine, producing beta-males, and stigmatizing all things masculine must stop. The political left is much like a woman, and its chronic, narcissistic need for affirmation is costing our country dearly.

Basically, President Trump is hated by the left because he is masculine and isn't going to tolerate the left's crap. He's a "bump" in the road of emasculating our country.

I am not against women achieving things and having power like Margaret Thatcher because she was cognitively masculine. I am against women achieving things and having power like Billary or A.O.C. because are they narcissistic and project their issues onto the rest of the whole country.

It boils down to those in society who are "feminine" against those who are "masculine." I'm afraid (and I admit this is a fear of mine) that things will reach a point where eventually those on the conservative right are going to have to "bitch slap" the left one day in order to restore normalcy. How that will happen is up to speculation.

I've noticed a tendency in the left/women to let power go to their heads. Enough is enough. Meanwhile ... more and more guys are getting robbed of any affirmation they deserve & need as males because of the left's twisting of society and marginalization of men.  We must start producing real men again (not just sources of paychecks) or else society will fall. And that is the plan: bring down the west by emasculating society.

So ... I blame the political left's paradigms and programs for a lot of these shootings because of what they're doing to boys & men in our society.

It's like a dysfunctional family where mommy demands power no matter how much it hurts her son because her antics squelches his growth. The democrats keep demanding more & more power. Something's gotta give. Unfortunately, it did break this weekend in the minds of two guys.

I'm not excusing their actions, but the liberal left needs to take a collective look in the mirror.

I hope this makes sense.










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It’s seems very possible, to me, given how close these attacks were to each other, time wise, that these people all hung out online together, talking smack.  Just a theory.

I know Antifa started making threats about using firearms about a year and a half ago.  All the perps are about the same age. The Media put Antifa on a pedistal as “Anti-Trump Protestors”, from the beginning.

Sorry, for my absence. 

After being out of the hobby for years, I built my first AR last month. 


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I am a live and let live guy, just do not bother or hurt anyone else. With that said I cannot stand commercials that make children the parents and the parents the children, the wife and kids making the father look like a retarded simpleton and pushing gay relationships like they are more the norm than a normal marriage.  I am not against mixed marriages, but I have seen a large increase in those kinds of marriages that are way above the actual ratio in commercials as well.

It seems Hollywood and advertisers are pushing an unrealistic view of who we are. Understanding the truth of who we really are and not what some people hope it could be in their dreams, would give us a solid base view to solve our problems.

It seems we let the minority(that is people who are different ,not just race) have more rights than the majority where personal rights need to be considered for all equally.  Inequality should never be tolerated but should put the oppressed in equal standing with everyone else. We cannot legislate morality or values. We can only do that by our selves and that means we must have morals and values and we must pass them on to our children.

We have become insensitive, self-absorbed and ceased to be our brothers neighbor. This must change.


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its Ben Vampatella, btw, jerry. hence BVamp. I dont hide on the inet or from the gun world, theres no point in it.


you echoed my thoughts. i cant add to this discussion. well said.

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I'd like to add that the left has stoked A LOT of ethnocentrism. Best example is the whole immigration issue.

I don't know how to explain it, but all these issues we're discussing here are going to blow-up in the lefts' face one of these days. We're the ones who'll have to clean it all up.

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I hear a lot of politicians harping about "Red Flag" laws that "should" be enacted...

Okay then, how'z about this... Do you sometimes get mad about things while driving? Maybe cursed at or flipped-off another driver? Do you have alcoholic beverages in your house? Well then, you're obviously going to be involved in a road-rage or drunk-driving incident at some unknown point in the future, so we're just going to impound your vehicle until "we" decide you're not really a menace to society.

And by the way, you don't have a Constitutional Right to own a vehicle, so there won't be any lawyers or protestors on your side. Sounds like a "common sense" law for the greater good, don't it? Have fun with that.  😈

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I believe that the problem is the lack of home training. Most of these 'sjw' types (and almost all the shooters are convinced of their superior social justice superiority) have no home training. Many have been mostly raised by  Socialistic Democratic teachers unions. All Public Employee Unions are BY DEFINITION an organization that is there to put the their will above the will of the People. The are net EDUCATED as much as INDOCTRINATED.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Polarization of society through controlled media outlet brainwash; keep listening to the outlet you agree with (never challenge yourself to other ideas).......exceedingly polarized.  Polarization breeds extremes; then bad seeds within either extreme can act out.

The political climate is bad.  "Diversity" focuses on differences, applies labels, forces you to accept the "other" through laws......again, more effective division created in an attempt to force unity.

Divide us, pit us against each other, then enforce peace.  Quite a system that's developed/evolved.  Requires more and more control. 

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