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Picture Post, Lets see your Saiga 12!

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6-1/2" evlblksbs  

In its final form:  

My daughter does modeling and she did a shoot this week with firearms. I let her borrow my Saiga.  

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Hello Guys.000.gif

This is my Saiga 030 / KS-K







Flashlight: Fenix TK 15
Sight: Nikon Monarh Red Dot
Fore-end: Izhmash (the best for Saiga 030 /KS-K)
Front grip: "МВРИ" (with a set of tools)
Pistol grip: "МВРИ" (with a set of survival)

Sling: "РАС" (sling for Russian special forces)

Shock absorber: from GP-25

Edited by vinni83
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First post here and my first Saiga 12 build. A lot of this build was inspired by my buddy Brandon (BrandonRyan). After seeing his I had to get one. :) Its almost done. Just waiting for my ACE recevier block to mount my Red Jacket Firearms folding stock. Pretty happy with the thing. Havent had any issues with cycle yet. Lots of great info and builds here! Glad I found this site.


- Chaos Muzzle Break

- Chaos Titan Rail

- Chaos HK Iron Sights

- CAA Pistol Grip

- Tango Down Fore Grip

- Vertical Charging Latch (Bolt On)

- SGM Tactical 12 Round Mag

Not Pictured:

- MD Arms V Plug

- MD Arms Puck

- SGM 10 Round Mag

- MD Arms 20 Round Drum

- Red Jacket Firearms Skeleton Stock

- ACE Recevier Block

- ACE Folding Mechanism



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Update for mine, I was going to wait until had the entire set done, but that'll be a while.


I made the stock and PG out of cherry and they're very comfortable.


Bushnell TRS-25 mounted on a UTG side mount.

I polished the guts.

MD Arms gas plug.

and I gas puck that I made similar to the CSS puck.



Edited by JoeAK
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Tac 47 Magwell

Chaos Quad Rail

Magpul MBUS front and rear flip-up sights

ATI Scorpion pistol grip

Fab Defense Collapsable recoil stock

Tromix Trigger Group

Carolina Shooter's Reliability Kit (performance puc & spring)

5 position gas plug (soon to get Tac 47 Auto Plug)

Drill out all 4 gas ports to hair size bigger and polished underside of bolt.



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Well it's nothing fancy but here's my S12 with S7.62

I'm still waiting for my MD drum, Tac-47 Auto plug, Chaos Titan, Raptor Claw brake and my Trijicon holo sight once the Titan comes in.post-46357-0-69962300-1363454023_thumb.jpg

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Okay, its 95% done so I figure I'll post pics. This is my tacticool S12, my next will be a lightweight all polymer version for hunting and trap shooting.

*Magpul CTR stock

*MD Arms Molot PG

*modified G2 trigger group (all internals polished and profiled)

* CSS trigger guard with PG nut

* Chaos Titan full quad rail

* CSS Raptor Claw barrel shroud & muzzle brake (I omitted the shroud)

* DPH 6 position regulator

* CSS puck

* Trijicon RX30 Reflex sight


I still plan on chopping 2" off the barrel and tacking on my Tromix round charging handle (not the vertical one)post-46357-0-35452100-1364370634_thumb.jpg

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I figure I may as well update my pic. Now the last thing left to do is cut the barrel 3.125" and weld the brake on.

A few parts are; Magpul CTR, MD Arms Molot PG, Trijicon RMR RM07, Kvar handguard, Auto Plug, rail under the gas block for an optional light, Chaos Warthog brake that works really well and looks cool.post-46357-0-30023600-1365641144_thumb.jpg


ETA: its a factory 4 port gun I opened to .093" and it eats anything and everything I've fed it without a single failure of any sort.

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Heres mine.


Kvar/Arsenal sgl12-09


TROMIX Monster Break

Css piston

DPH gas regulator

ATI Strikeforce 6 position/side folding stock




Still not done, Thinking of possibly going a different route on the stox k but all in all. Shes a beast.


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