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The polychoke comes off by heating it up and using a spanner wrench that fits into that hole. They commonly come loose in use so I imagine it's threaded on with some lock-tite.


If you call polychoke they'll probably send you a wrench but be warned it's not a hardened tool so if you don't heat up the polychoke you may just wrap the wrench around it...

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Looks like The polychoke is pinned on.


BTW, for $650 you got:


Shotgun: $400

2x 8rd OEM Mags: $200

1x 2rd Mag: $50


Not a bad deal for you... in fact, fan-fucking tastic.


I'll give you $35 for the 2rd mag. :D . . . . Seriously. :dollar:

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The polychoke comes off by heating it up and using a spanner wrench that fits into that hole. They commonly come loose in use so I imagine it's threaded on with some lock-tite.


If you call polychoke they'll probably send you a wrench but be warned it's not a hardened tool so if you don't heat up the polychoke you may just wrap the wrench around it...


What he said.


Also, I'm interested in that 2 rounder. Sent a PM.

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I told you all about this lovely purchase a few days ago and I picked it up yesterday for $650. The bonus was the Russian 2 round mag that I didnt know I was getting. Its an older S12 with no BHO. It has a polychoke though I cant figure how to get it off.








I just got my first Saiga 12 a month ago...less than a month....I am having a blast!! its like being a kid and its X-MAS every day...as I look through the forum at every ones mod's and the toys I can add next!!! great fun..its killed the "cabin fever" we get here in the N-East due to the snow/cold/short days!!! can"t

wait to see your gun take its new form!!! have fun!! this forum is great!! all the members give you all the help you could wish for!!


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