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I sometimes get a phone number that I don't answer because I don't know who it is, and would like to be able to search and find the callers ID. Those sites advertising themselves as "free" aren't. They want a fee for the search, even the white pages. Does anyone know of a truly FREE no strings attatched site where you can get this info? There must be sommething out there somewhere. Thanks.

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Most cell phones and many numbers are unlisted, and wont be provided by even those reverse lookup sites. I usually just type the number in google, it will recognize it as a number and list the info if its availiable, or webpages that refer to that phone number. I have a decent rate of success with this method, though it often takes a couple searches, formating the number a couple different ways, and putting it in quotes. If theres no results, i usually just look up the area code and prefix to figure out where its coming from.


If a number is unlisted, the only reasonable way is to get the info from the phone company that owns that block of numbers (though this is harder with local number portability, now, as it can be transfered to another company). They of course are not allowed to disclose this information, but if you are clever or resourceful, employees do have access to the info through the computer billing system, and you can gain that information through any number of methods (a favor, a trick, unauthorized access whatever)


Not that that is a particularly good idea, or recommended or condoned by me, im just saying, unlisted numbers are absolutely protected from release, and all those sites that claim they have more info than is publicly available are lying, they just dump a bunch of publicly available telemarketing databases and the like and sell it to you like they have something special.

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Yeah, I did a google search of my number and came up with this:




Want an idea of how bogus they are? It says it's a land line and it's not. It's assigned to my Motorola i850, a cell phone. No other info available. But they said it was a land line in Raleigh. It's a cell phone in Fuquay so it's very obvious after I 'paid' for their free service, they would be giving me bogus info.


But Shannon's # did show up. It IS a land line.

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Ever want to order a pizza on the way home ..... don't know the number, just google 411 http://www.google.com/goog411/. It is free and they dial the number for you and works like a charm ..... a little off topic but I use it all the time. Better than looking in the car phone book to find the number then dialing doing 70mph.

Edited by Lakedweller
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Ever want to order a pizza on the way home ..... don't know the number, just google 411 http://www.google.com/goog411/. It is free and they dial the number for you and works like a charm ..... a little off topic but I use it all the time. Better than looking in the car phone book to find the number then dialing doing 70mph.

To expand a little further to Lakedweller's post.


Google 411 is a regular call from your cell phone (standard usage rates apply), as opposed to the $2 (or whatever) per 411 call your provider may charge.


The number is 1-800-466-4411 (or 1-800-GOOG-411)


I have it programmed into my phone, and never have to worry about extra charges.

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Ever want to order a pizza on the way home ..... don't know the number, just google 411 http://www.google.com/goog411/. It is free and they dial the number for you and works like a charm ..... a little off topic but I use it all the time. Better than looking in the car phone book to find the number then dialing doing 70mph.


I send a text message to Google to get #'s I need when I'm out.


Their # is 466-45. I just type in the name of the place I need the # for, and the city/state. I usually get a reply with the # within a few seconds.


EDIT:.........and there's no extra charge. Only whatever your carrier charges you for regular texts.

Edited by 22_Shooter
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  • 15 years later...

Finding reliable information on unknown phone numbers can indeed be tricky, especially when most "free" services often come with hidden fees. Google searches are a great first step, as many have suggested. Just enter the number in various formats (e.g., 123-456-7890, (123) 456-7890) and see if anything useful pops up.

If you're looking for completely free services, you might also consider checking out the Affordable Connectivity Program (ACP). It not only provides discounted internet services but can also help with resources like communication tools. For more information on eligibility and resources, you can visit Free Government Tablet.

Also, tools like Google Voice or other VoIP apps often let you screen calls more effectively, which might be helpful for future unknown numbers!

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