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Help! HK Rear Sight & Buckshot

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Ok guys I've been lurking and learned a lot.

I need help with adjusting the HK drum rear sight on my Saiga 12.


I ran out of range time before my 1st match with this on Saturday coming up.


I went twice to zero the S-12 and each time the range is crowed and I run out of time and don't get it zero'd.


I have the 19" barrel and HK sights welded on.

A Polychoke set to ImpMod and man the Fed '00' groups nicely at 10inches!


But at 25yds my '00' buckshot is 8inches low. I ran through all 4 sight settings, 1,2,3,4.

My slugs are freakin 13inches low also at 25yds!!!

I need to go buy some small needle nose pliers to be able to drastically adjust the rear drum for elevation. But how many revolutions moves '00' at 25yds 1inch?

Or give me any increment one revolution will adjust the buckshot impact. HK instructions of course are for rifle rounds moving faster with much less drop.

I need help, with no more range time left before Saturday. I don't want to have to try to remember to aim a plate high or on the cardboard aim for the head to hit in the high chest.


What did you guys with HK sights experience when sighting in yours?

***Edited to add


The HK rear sight instructions for a 9mm MP5 (Nato 9mm velocity 1260fps) say 1/4 turn = 1/2in aprox (1.4cm) at 25 meters. I found the velocity for my buckshot is 1145fps. So they are close enough that the 1/4 turn should = that 1/2in aproximately in impact at 25meters.


I put 4 complete turns on the rear sight adjusting it with the tool. After going past #4 peep it doesn't adjust anymore in the next revolution. You have to use the sight tool to spin the inner cylinder not the outer drum. Did that, put on 4 turns for 8inches in rise aproximately. Sound right?

Edited by Dremel Qual'd
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Is the HK front sight adjustable? If not, file 1 or 2 mm off the front sight tip and I bet you'll be right on target.


Hey I will cut that sucker down if Saturday at the match I am still inches low! I'll have the dremel in the car with the DC/AC converter ready to cut!

It's not adjustable up front. The Tromix HK sights are MP5, HK31 etc sights. Its a post inside a circular hood that slides in left to right like a coin in a soda machine.


I adjusted the rear now what should be 8inches up now since this post. I just hope I am correct 4 revolutions with the sight tool equals aprox 8inches at 25yds.

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I have been following this and have a question, How do you adjust the rear drum for elevation?


Here you go!

For buckshot with my ImpMod choke on a 19in barrel it appears 1 complete revolution adjustment moves the impact 2inches at 25 yds. Buckshot velocity will determine your results.



You need to buy the HK drum adjustment tool off gunbroker or from HK. Or else you'll need to grind down some needle nose pliers until the tips are small and skinny enough to fit down into the 2 slots inside the drum.


HK rear sight link

Edited by Dremel Qual'd
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