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The Golden Age of 7.62x39 Ammo has begun

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I just went to that site, and I don't consider 260 + $20 shipping for 1000 rounds of Wolf MC that great of a deal. I got 1000 rounds of Brown Bear for 228 shipped from Military Shooters; I also got i

I have to say, I just got my shipment from www.Luckygunner.com and not only was the price great, but I got the shipment in 2 days.

Roger that. I used to be big on buying silver and gold, but now I steadily pump more money in to two areas -- ammunition and food (in five gallon buckets, # 10 cans, and foil pouches). At last estim

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Good deal.. but unfortunately shipping from JG puts those out of reach for me. $42 estimated to NC.


Glad to see an update to this thread though.. I was starting to miss it.


Cheaper Than Dirt has Uly for $179.50/1K. Don't know what part of NC your in, but I just typed in the zip for Asheville,NC 28801 (just as a reference) and the estimated shipping is $24.77, which is a little bit better. Brings the total after shipping to $204.27. Not bad IMO, and Uly is good stuff.

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Good deal.. but unfortunately shipping from JG puts those out of reach for me. $42 estimated to NC.


Glad to see an update to this thread though.. I was starting to miss it.


Cheaper Than Dirt has Uly for $179.50/1K. Don't know what part of NC your in, but I just typed in the zip for Asheville,NC 28801 (just as a reference) and the estimated shipping is $24.77, which is a little bit better. Brings the total after shipping to $204.27. Not bad IMO, and Uly is good stuff.



Thanks for the heads up.. That's a great deal. I've actually been shooting nothing but Uly for months now. Found a good deal on 1k at a gun show, and I've been getting either 500 or 1k from Copes since. I get pretty good groups from it also.


I finally ran into a bad round of Uly a couple days ago.. I think it was just a hard primer.. the hammer dropped and no fire. The firing pin put a good solid dent in the center of the primer but I didn't try to re-fire the round. That was the first one out of about 2,500 fired. Can't complain about that at all.


Definitely going to check this out.. Will be a few bucks cheaper than 1k from Copes shipped.

Edited by danklab
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Good deal.. but unfortunately shipping from JG puts those out of reach for me. $42 estimated to NC.


Glad to see an update to this thread though.. I was starting to miss it.


Cheaper Than Dirt has Uly for $179.50/1K. Don't know what part of NC your in, but I just typed in the zip for Asheville,NC 28801 (just as a reference) and the estimated shipping is $24.77, which is a little bit better. Brings the total after shipping to $204.27. Not bad IMO, and Uly is good stuff.



Thanks for the heads up.. That's a great deal. I've actually been shooting nothing but Uly for months now. Found a good deal on 1k at a gun show, and I've been getting either 500 or 1k from Copes since. I get pretty good groups from it also.


I finally ran into a bad round of Uly a couple days ago.. I think it was just a hard primer.. the hammer dropped and no fire. The firing pin put a good solid dent in the center of the primer but I didn't try to re-fire the round. That was the first one out of about 2,500 fired. Can't complain about that at all.


Definitely going to check this out.. Will be a few bucks cheaper than 1k from Copes shipped.


CTD actually sells Uly by the box,($3.59/each) so you can buy a 500 case or just however much you need, but at that price,you might as well buy it cheap and stack it deep. :super:

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I might be repeating here but do you guys use gun-deals.com or ammonow.com? There's other sights that track ammo prices, but I can't remember them right now. With 2 kids and other hobbies (one bike needs tires..not cheap) I rarely buy bulk.


I do. That's where I found the CTD deal on Uly. AmmoEngine.com is another, but I prefer the ones you mentioned, especially ammonow.com with the babes with guns pics. :super:

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I am really beginning to hate living here in kkkalifornia. I gotta move away. there are hardly any places for me to shoot, cant buy ammo without big brothers approval, whats next? maybe they will make shoelaces illegal because some of us can figure a way to choke somebody with it.

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anyone know the reason why cheaperthandirt is gonna stop selling ammo to california?

Because of CAs asinine new ammo laws/regulations.

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed AB 962 yesterday.

Consequently, effective February 1, 2011, Californians will have to provide complete personal information, plus a thumbprint, to buy pistol ammunition. In addition, the bill requires that all pistol ammo sales be "face to face".


This could effectively ban mail-order ammunition sales in California. Cabela's, a leading outdoor retailer, has told customers that it will stop shipping ammo to California if AB 962 became law.


Though AB 962 was designed to control pistol ammunition purchases, it will also affect rifle ammunition sales because California law defining pistol ammo is broad and vague.

Basically, AB 962 could be extended to virtually any ammo which has ever been used in a pistol.

That certainly will include 22LR, 22 Magnum, .221 Fireball, and .223 Rem for starters.


Gov. Schwarzenegger vetoed similar legislation a few years ago, based on the fact that a similar federal scheme had been tried and later abandoned as a complete failure.

However, the Governor reversed himself, explaining: "Although I have previously vetoed legislation similar to this measure, local governments have demonstrated that requiring ammunition vendors to keep records on ammunition sales improves public safety. These records have allowed law enforcement to arrest and prosecute persons who have no business possessing firearms and ammunition: gang members, violent parolees, second and third strikers, and even people previously serving time in state prison for murder.

Moreover, this type of record keeping is no more intrusive for law abiding citizens than similar laws governing pawnshops or the sale of cold medicine."


Check out Rowe v. New Hampshire Motor Transport. It was a similar bill that was struck down by the SCOTUS. The Federal Aviation Administration Authorization Act

prohibits states and local municipalities from interfering with carriers' rates, routes, or services. Hopefully this bill won't last long.

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Aim has got yugo back in stock. 225 delivered is about the price depending on your location. That's for 1260 rounds. That's 15.8 cents per round delivered.


Thanks for the heads up. I wonder if the only surplus deals we will see this year will come from old yugoslavian stocks, or if we will see some new surplus supplies from another former eastern block state....

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With inflation its really not much cheaper than now , think about it.



Was going to post something along those lines. Everything is more expensive now, and people make more money. Compare minimum wage in 2010 and 1990. It was like 3.80 then and like 8 now.

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