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There's no reason to buy from Cheaper Than Dirt, regardless of if they will stop shipping ammo to CA or not.


First, their accessories selection is mostly mall ninja junk anyway. Their ammo prices are nothing special either.


Besides, they are no friend to gun owners, regardless of what state they live in. They are pathetic, greedy, fear mongering bastards that raised pistol ammo to, literally, $50 a box the first time Obama overtook McCain in a fucking Gallup poll on CNN. They hammed up the fear as much as possible to literally rip people off, and continued to spread fear of imaginary gun bans for months after the election.


Oh, and then when the movie 2012 came out they also used that to drum up fear and sell $4,000 "emergency survival kits"


That said, I understand why CTD will not ship "rifle" ammo to CA. As a resident of NJ I am familiar with how anti-gun agencies abuse administrative code/statutes to lump rifle ammo with handgun ammo. Here in NJ we do not have a law that requires handgun ammo "registration" - however, the NJSP administrative code requires it and dealers can lose their license for not recording information on handgun ammo buyers. The NJSP announced this week that they "re-interpreted" the administrative code, and, citing the existence of the Thompson-Center Contender Pistol, decided rifle ammunition COULD be used in A handgun, and therefore IS handgun ammunition. Bunch of bullshit :rolleyes: However, the administrative code says nothing about out of state/internet mail order purchases, and is not a law, unlike your situation in Cali :( Hopefully that helps to explain why they will not ship rifle ammo to CA.


Either way, though, buy ammo from a real ammo company like Copes, Centerfire Systems, Ammunition to Go, etc.

Edited by Classy Kalashnikov
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CTD isn't the problem, they are only protecting themselves from the chickenshits that are the CA gov.



That’s the problem people are quicker to protect themselves then to help out..

And it’s not just the Cali government it’s the government period there most likely testing the waters with Cali, its like a fucking game to them there all ‘’lets see how much these fuckers take after handguns lets move onto rifles, whose next on the table NY?’’


"help out"?


That is the duty of the citizens of California. CTD, (shitty company anyway), is not in business to "help out" by making themselves possible targets of malicious prosecution by the pieces of Marxist shit that hold office in California.


I'm sure there's no shortage of election fraud in the cesspools that pass for cities in CA, but to a certain extent, these firearms/ammo restrictions are your own damn fault. Don't like it? Move or take your state back from the lunatics.


If I were in the online ammo business, starting in 2011, I wouldn't sell to CA residents either. It's just not worth the risk/cost/hassles.

Edited by post-apocalyptic
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Dam that's a whole lot of sour grapes just to throw at a vendor. CTD did only what the rest of this cut throat biz did during the panic and if they too high don't buy sheesh.


As for CA help yourselves damit, the rest of us have just about had enough of the crap floating out of that state so who can blame anyone not wanting to deal with it. I know a lot of people there are fairly decent but since you can move dont expect much sympathy. I cant wait till we have have to bail CA out because they wont stop drinking the kool-aide, marvelous simply freaking marvelous.

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so what? they won't sell to califonia, that just means people will buy their rifle ammo from someone else, and CTD will lose out on a lot of sales.


this is the same kind of stupidity that some FFLs won't sell firearms that are legal to own in california because they don't like the laws there. or have to get a document downloaded to ship to a authorized califonia FFL, that doesn't cost them a cent to do, so be it, it just means that someone else will step in and take advatange of their stupidity and make money.




as for the whole nonsense of them gouging durning the obama scare. hey, nobody forced anybody to buy from them. it isn't like they are only game in town, when it comes to ammo. if people were dumb enough to pay the high prices, well they weren't too smart to begin with.

Edited by Matthew Hopkins
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wow check this out


Among the numerous bills signed into law was one restricting the sale of handgun ammunition in California. Here are some quick facts about the new legislation:


•The law will require licensed dealers to keep ammunition behind the counter.

•Gun dealers can only sell less 50 rounds per month to a particular buyer.

•Gun dealers must record information about the ammunition sale including: date, buyer's birthdate, name, address, driver's license, thumbprint, signature; amount, brand, and type of ammunition sold; salesperson it was sold by.

•Internet and mail-order suppliers are banned from selling ammunition directly to California state citizens

•It will be illegal for anyone subject to gang injunction to purchase handgun ammunition.

•The law will take effect in 2011




the key words here is hand gun ammo... places like cheaper than dirt are stopping all ammo...


the way i look at it if they dont want my money then f them...


i belive but am not 100% sure they tossed the 50 limit out of the bill but the rest is true...

50 limit was indeed tossed.


I still won't buy anything from CTD cause I'm still holding a grudge over their ammo gouging.

Edited by Threecard
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They get on my nerves over at CTD...They wouldn't ship a pistol grip to me in IL because they're illegal in the county next to me. I even verified it with the sheriff's office to show them it was legal to own in my county and they still wouldn't do it.



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The law does say handgun ammo. The problem is there are serveral "handguns" that chamber intermediate rifle cartriges. Of course those types of handguns are probably banned in Kalifornja unless the existed prior to the ban.


I think it is a sound policy for all internet-based ammo dealers to cease all sales to non-FFL holders in Kalifornja. The new anti-immigration law in Arizona is driving illegal aliens out of the state. Maybe Kalifornja's restrictive gun and ammo laws will drive out the few remaining rational residents.


This all goes back to the reason we have different states with different laws. If you don't the rules in one state, leave.

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