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Converted - Now it wont cycle low brass

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So check this out...


go my S12 - took it to the range to test it out...shot buck fine on setting 1 and cycled low brass on setting 2 pretty well...only 1 or 2 FTEs and a few FTFs out of about 100 rounds.


Then I spend the next month and a half to painstakingly converted it into the beautiful shotgun it is today...so naturally I took it to the range...


Once again it performed flawlessly on high brass....low brass it wouldnt cycle to save its life.


I am currently using a Gunfixers gas plug and a Kingston Armory tappet. The setting was on 3 for the low brass...


The only thing I could think of is maybe the KA Tappet is smaller than the stock tappet, or the gas plug is allowing less gas through than setting 2 on the stock plug...


Any ideas?

Edited by Xitesmai
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Sounds like the same problem everyone else has. Your hammer needs to be re-profiled.


Pull the charging handle back (with it unloaded...) all the way, and slowly ride it forward til it stops. Now let go.


Did the bolt stay back all by itself?


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Sounds like the same problem everyone else has. Your hammer needs to be re-profiled.


Pull the charging handle back (with it unloaded...) all the way, and slowly ride it forward til it stops. Now let go.


Did the bolt stay back all by itself?



The bolt did not go into battery all the way...maybe was about an inch from full battery.

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Well...that's something different but as long as the bolt carrier doesn't get slowed down enough to get caught on the hammer (when very slowly eased forward til it touches the hammer and encounters the first resistance) then maybe your hammer is fine. Does it still have the factory hammer in it or a US made hammer?

The holdup in the last inch is the extractor trying to climb the ramp into the extractor notch.


Can you feel any kind of resistance on the carrier when working it back and forth by hand slowly?


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Cobra is right about checking the hammer.

From what I read, the gun worked, you changed three things....now it doesn't work. So your issue is one of those three things: Internals, puck, gas adjuster.

What I would do is put the OEM piston and adjuster back on the gun, and see if that fixes the issue. If not, then it is your trigger internals. Easy to narrow it down. Easy to fix.

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Also try taking the KA tappet out and put your factory one back in. See if that helps. If you don't need after market parts for compliance, it better to get it to run on as many factory parts as you can, before throwing all that other stuff on it. Also, did you put a quad rail on it?


Edit>> I see now that Matt posted and also agrees with the factory parts thing....


Edited by Cobra 76 two
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Also try taking the KA tappet out and put your factory one back in. See if that helps. If you don't need after market parts for compliance, it better to get it to run on as many factory parts as you can, before throwing all that other stuff on it. Also, did you put a quad rail on it?


Edit>> I see now that Matt posted and also agrees with the factory parts thing....



Yeah I figured I'll test it next time by replacing the factory gas parts one at a time. First the puck, then the plug/adjuster. I polished the bolt, however I did not profile the hammer (Tromix G2), and I did install a quad rail, Chaos Titan.

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Yep, try it without the quad rail (reinstall the stock hand guard). Then if that doesnt help, try using the OEM hammer in place of the Tapco hammer and see if it cycles. If it does, then you know that the Tapco hammer needs some profiling work. Which is easily done DIY by mirroring your OEM hammers size and profile, using a micrometer or dial caliper and a filing some material off where it contacts the bolt carrier. Some caution should be used in removing material here.

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Edit>> I see now that Matt posted and also agrees with the factory parts thing....


Shannon, we have been agreeing on stuff for what....like 5 years now :smoke: We need to go out and get some beers :smoke:

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LOL...you ain't kiddin! Fly one of those Huey's or a Cobra on down here and the beer's on me!


I'll drive a tank down....we'll get loaded and crush some cars on the highway :devil:

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I'm having the exact problem. Fires the Federal Universal cheap stuff from WalMart before the conversion just fine. Did the conversion and now it won't. Factory plug and puck stll in it. Also has the factory hammer still in it. Polished the hammer and the carrier just a little but still no help.

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I'm having the exact problem. Fires the Federal Universal cheap stuff from WalMart before the conversion just fine. Did the conversion and now it won't. Factory plug and puck stll in it. Also has the factory hammer still in it. Polished the hammer and the carrier just a little but still no help.


Quad rail?


Get the compliant hammer and send the bolt/carrier/trigger-pack off to be worked over. Can't hurt.

Or check the sticky on how to do the bolt/pack work and do it yourself.


All you did was move the trigger gaurd and swap out the internals....not much could be wrong w/ it.

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No quad rail. Probably would be best if I sent it off. Hate to screw up something that can't easily be replaced.


We do it, and Cobra does a fantastic job too. Pauly does them too.

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