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Heavily edited but it's becoming more obvious either a script has come into play or they are all making a terrible attempt at being actors. How is the AR in question innovative by using off the shelf parts to build a rifle? Putting ARs together are like playing with Legos, guess Chris had a deprived childhood.

See, that's the thing... we have NO idea what was put into that gun except for what we could see on television. They're not going to show what went into building the thing, except for showing us a shot of the buffer, and Chris struggling to put everything together. We also saw them machining the lower for it, if indeed that was the lower they actually used.

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Cracks me up how people will go on about "blowing shit up" and how they are dying to shoot a belt-fed shotgun and on and on, and then in the next thread rag on Will for having a Cajun accent and doing

Lol. They posted this shit all over their Facebooks. If you don't want people in your business, don't post it on the world wide web.

Man, people just make drama out of everything dont they?   Sometimes, its good to just keep your mouth shut, and mind your own business.

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True, but there isn't much mystery with a piston AR. Maybe they loosened up some tolerances for a "Desert AR" but I can't imagine what to go above and beyond what big makers have already done to compete for the next big contract. I don't think RJF is even in the same league as those guys. (HK, FN, etc).

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I'm not why everyone redesigned the damn thing to begin with, when they could have just copied the AR-180 piston system that has been working just fine since the 60's.


That's easy..... For TV drama.

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Sons of Guns is slightly more dramatic than my wife's soap operas and slightly less informative than a paper napkin with a scribbled phone number on it.


Welcome to prime time, I can't bring myself to watch any more gun shows. Every week is the same:

1. Romantic drama-check.

2. Impossible dead line-check.

3. Rinse and repeat-check.


Sorry Will, the show has become as bad as the jail bate-Colorado show.

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Not full of myself enough to put an entertainment show down, watched a few episodes while traveling, especially enjoyed the one's with Tony. Live off grid with no cable and dish internet at private residence. Has person bitching about price been ignorant of price increase of basic weapon platform/parts/labor? Got 1st Tromix conversion with many custom mods for around $900 in 06, same weapon today is well over $1,500 besides the additional $300 of features I've added. Couple of .308's by Red Jacket ran around $1,200 to $1,400. Same weapons today would be 25 to 30% more. Do you work for same wages you did 5 years ago? Been grocery shopping lately? Especially with added business expenses beyond your control. Sorry for those who have a Hard On against Red Jacket. The basic model Fn Fal I built 8 years ago would be at least 50% more for quality parts, let alone my added expenses. Most of the forum builders use to have time to bs on phone about a build, most don't now. Do you really think people who live in Jersey are like "Jersey Shore"? Or that "Ice Road Truckers" has that much drama everyday? Realize the general public is dumbed downed, but come on, being just a little full of oneself ? I take the show for what it is. Good or bad or spend your viewing time elsewhere. Ratings will determine it's success or failure. If I use Red Jacket or others on a future build, it's a custom build cost versus my time to build.


Problem is, like you said, the general public is dumbed down. So they watch this show and probably think it's 100% reality.

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Not full of myself enough to put an entertainment show down, watched a few episodes while traveling, especially enjoyed the one's with Tony. Live off grid with no cable and dish internet at private residence. Has person bitching about price been ignorant of price increase of basic weapon platform/parts/labor? Got 1st Tromix conversion with many custom mods for around $900 in 06, same weapon today is well over $1,500 besides the additional $300 of features I've added. Couple of .308's by Red Jacket ran around $1,200 to $1,400. Same weapons today would be 25 to 30% more. Do you work for same wages you did 5 years ago? Been grocery shopping lately? Especially with added business expenses beyond your control. Sorry for those who have a Hard On against Red Jacket. The basic model Fn Fal I built 8 years ago would be at least 50% more for quality parts, let alone my added expenses. Most of the forum builders use to have time to bs on phone about a build, most don't now. Do you really think people who live in Jersey are like "Jersey Shore"? Or that "Ice Road Truckers" has that much drama everyday? Realize the general public is dumbed downed, but come on, being just a little full of oneself ? I take the show for what it is. Good or bad or spend your viewing time elsewhere. Ratings will determine it's success or failure. If I use Red Jacket or others on a future build, it's a custom build cost versus my time to build.


Um, if not caring for a particular programming format makes me "full of myself" then I guess I'm guilty. Silly me, I was under the impression that a favorable impression of any given show wasn't mandatory. I know better now. I definitely don't have an erection for the show, it just doesn't interest me, that's all. Given that, it could either be #1 or get cancelled tomorrow and it wouldn't make any difference to me. Apparently, Vince now feels the same way.


As to "Jersey Shore" and Ice Road Truckers" I wouldn't know one way or the other, as I don't watch them. Uh oh, guess I'm even fuller of myself. I'd better stop now.

It was the attitude some took, about Will and Red Jacket and anyone involved in it. Didn't EVER say anyone had to LIKE it, myself, only seen a few shows as stated. 10 mins of "Jersey Shore", Few "Ice Roads". If general public is soooo stupid that they think this is anymore than entertainment. What a clueless society we have. GET IT NOW. (REALLY THINK THIS SHOW DETERMINES SOCIETIES ATTITUDE ABOUT GUN OWNERS). With gun ownership and sales numbers exploding. Not if you like it or not, so I guess you are trying to JUST be an ass, and twist what was stated in black and white, which is your right. Second, and MAIN point was the ignorance being stated about quality of builds, or related costs increases, Third, never mentioned Vince, never dealt with him, don't know him except by few episodes that I did see. So, got to roll eyes and chuckle now. LOL



Your previous statements imply that I'm general public and stupid, that I'm a newbie to weaponry and the saiga and that I am wrong about the price increase and quality of build. Well Jar Head, Your generalizations limit your capacity. Red Jacket conversions are as good as I could do in My own shop. They are NOT gunsmiths but machinists. There are several actual gunsmiths that make their work look like something that would have come out of my shop after several beers. The television program gave them credit based on fame not function or quality of worksmanship. In the history of gunbroker, you can find the old weapons they sold at bargain basement prices and you can also see the quality of work that was done. Polish a turd if you want.


Their representation of the shooting sports community is very negative. They portray this industry as a free for all automatic fuck fest. Liberals love shows like this. You have a bunch of sloppy pigs that dress up like a biker gang converting russian rifles in a small garage driving around in a red neck tacticool truck. What a way to create a positive image for the shooting sports industry.


Fuck Red Jacket and the Horse they rode in on.



Pull your head out of your ass Jar head.


This is what a lot of people don't understand. This is the very same reason I cringe going to gun shows when I'm in Tampa...or down south in general. People dress like gang members and talk like their IQ is around 70. And some people wonder why gun people are referred to as nuts. Like it or not, what you wear, how you speak, and how you conduct yourself has an impact on how others judge you.


Like anything else, they only show us what they want us to see. Reality TV and news media are alot alike.


Actually, if you state it like that, they are 100% alike.

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This is what a lot of people don't understand. This is the very same reason I cringe going to gun shows when I'm in Tampa...or down south in general. People dress like gang members and talk like their IQ is around 70. And some people wonder why gun people are referred to as nuts. Like it or not, what you wear, how you speak, and how you conduct yourself has an impact on how others judge you.






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I know you can't tell from that pic, but thats a Juggernaut printed Carolina Shooter Supply shirt.


Also: creepiest thing I've seen on the forum in a while... me and 179 guests viewing this thread at once... I'm about ready to grab that tinfoil hat now.

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Not full of myself enough to put an entertainment show down, watched a few episodes while traveling, especially enjoyed the one's with Tony. Live off grid with no cable and dish internet at private residence. Has person bitching about price been ignorant of price increase of basic weapon platform/parts/labor? Got 1st Tromix conversion with many custom mods for around $900 in 06, same weapon today is well over $1,500 besides the additional $300 of features I've added. Couple of .308's by Red Jacket ran around $1,200 to $1,400. Same weapons today would be 25 to 30% more. Do you work for same wages you did 5 years ago? Been grocery shopping lately? Especially with added business expenses beyond your control. Sorry for those who have a Hard On against Red Jacket. The basic model Fn Fal I built 8 years ago would be at least 50% more for quality parts, let alone my added expenses. Most of the forum builders use to have time to bs on phone about a build, most don't now. Do you really think people who live in Jersey are like "Jersey Shore"? Or that "Ice Road Truckers" has that much drama everyday? Realize the general public is dumbed downed, but come on, being just a little full of oneself ? I take the show for what it is. Good or bad or spend your viewing time elsewhere. Ratings will determine it's success or failure. If I use Red Jacket or others on a future build, it's a custom build cost versus my time to build.


Um, if not caring for a particular programming format makes me "full of myself" then I guess I'm guilty. Silly me, I was under the impression that a favorable impression of any given show wasn't mandatory. I know better now. I definitely don't have an erection for the show, it just doesn't interest me, that's all. Given that, it could either be #1 or get cancelled tomorrow and it wouldn't make any difference to me. Apparently, Vince now feels the same way.


As to "Jersey Shore" and Ice Road Truckers" I wouldn't know one way or the other, as I don't watch them. Uh oh, guess I'm even fuller of myself. I'd better stop now.

It was the attitude some took, about Will and Red Jacket and anyone involved in it. Didn't EVER say anyone had to LIKE it, myself, only seen a few shows as stated. 10 mins of "Jersey Shore", Few "Ice Roads". If general public is soooo stupid that they think this is anymore than entertainment. What a clueless society we have. GET IT NOW. (REALLY THINK THIS SHOW DETERMINES SOCIETIES ATTITUDE ABOUT GUN OWNERS). With gun ownership and sales numbers exploding. Not if you like it or not, so I guess you are trying to JUST be an ass, and twist what was stated in black and white, which is your right. Second, and MAIN point was the ignorance being stated about quality of builds, or related costs increases, Third, never mentioned Vince, never dealt with him, don't know him except by few episodes that I did see. So, got to roll eyes and chuckle now. LOL



Your previous statements imply that I'm general public and stupid, that I'm a newbie to weaponry and the saiga and that I am wrong about the price increase and quality of build. Well Jar Head, Your generalizations limit your capacity. Red Jacket conversions are as good as I could do in My own shop. They are NOT gunsmiths but machinists. There are several actual gunsmiths that make their work look like something that would have come out of my shop after several beers. The television program gave them credit based on fame not function or quality of worksmanship. In the history of gunbroker, you can find the old weapons they sold at bargain basement prices and you can also see the quality of work that was done. Polish a turd if you want.


Their representation of the shooting sports community is very negative. They portray this industry as a free for all automatic fuck fest. Liberals love shows like this. You have a bunch of sloppy pigs that dress up like a biker gang converting russian rifles in a small garage driving around in a red neck tacticool truck. What a way to create a positive image for the shooting sports industry.


Fuck Red Jacket and the Horse they rode in on.



Pull your head out of your ass Jar head.

So angry and what language (LOL), momma not hold you enough when you were young. Daddy not pay enough attention to you. Sounds like you have issues? "No wonder the Anti-Gun crowd or the unkown public think we are nuts" Oh, I forgot, your type decide what is acceptable behavior. Edited by Ruffian72
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Well... All I gotta say is.... folks... Ya need to get LIVES!


I go way back with Will & Steph.. Charlie, too.. Don't really know the rest of the RJF crew.

All I can say is I wish 'em all the best..

That being said, it's a TV show made to provide somthing entertaining to watch.

They are NOT legislators writing bills or laws, running for political office or any other thing that truly impact your lives..

It's like bitchin' about RVD leaving TNA Wrestling.. End of the day, it really don't make a damn bit of diffrence..

It's Only TV, folks...

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This is what a lot of people don't understand. This is the very same reason I cringe going to gun shows when I'm in Tampa...or down south in general. People dress like gang members and talk like their IQ is around 70. And some people wonder why gun people are referred to as nuts. Like it or not, what you wear, how you speak, and how you conduct yourself has an impact on how others judge you.







Dunno bout you guys but i just read this hoping to find some crazy ATF or FBI raid drama or something exciting...

Has turned out to be extremely boring...

Not sure what the intrigue is...

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Cracks me up how people will go on about "blowing shit up" and how they are dying to shoot a belt-fed shotgun and on and on, and then in the next thread rag on Will for having a Cajun accent and doing the very things you fantasize about doing.


Everybody thinks they could produce the show "properly" to give the public the correct view of us "gun enthusiasts".


Here's the thing: If you can't simply rejoice in your brother's success, I got news for ya, you're a hater. Plain and simple.



Now I'm not talking about constructive criticism; sure there are ways I would have done it differently...of course I'm not standing there talking to the producers either. I'm sure Will knew what he was getting into when this thing took off and there's an inherent loss of control over events when you become a public figure. But seriously, if we can't support him here, of ALL PLACES, then....


fuck it, nevermind. Carry on. /soapbox

Edited by BobAsh
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meh, I still like the show. They shoot cool guns reeeeaal good and blow shit up reeeeal good! If I wanted to watch a show about analysis, I'd watch those boring Fudds "The Gun Nuts" on the Outdoor Channel drone on and on about trap shooting stations and elitist hunting rifles.


BTW, did anyone else notice Chris drop that buffer on the floor in the previous episode, and then Vince grabbed the wrong buffer from the shelf?

Edited by sharkbit
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Well... All I gotta say is.... folks... Ya need to get LIVES!


I go way back with Will & Steph.. Charlie, too.. Don't really know the rest of the RJF crew.

All I can say is I wish 'em all the best..

That being said, it's a TV show made to provide somthing entertaining to watch.

They are NOT legislators writing bills or laws, running for political office or any other thing that truly impact your lives..

It's like bitchin' about RVD leaving TNA Wrestling.. End of the day, it really don't make a damn bit of diffrence..

It's Only TV, folks...


With all respect, if you don't believe the way gun owners (and shooters) are portrayed on TV affects legislation, that "affects our daily lives" you haven't been paying attention sir.

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Well... All I gotta say is.... folks... Ya need to get LIVES!


I go way back with Will & Steph.. Charlie, too.. Don't really know the rest of the RJF crew.

All I can say is I wish 'em all the best..

That being said, it's a TV show made to provide somthing entertaining to watch.

They are NOT legislators writing bills or laws, running for political office or any other thing that truly impact your lives..

It's like bitchin' about RVD leaving TNA Wrestling.. End of the day, it really don't make a damn bit of diffrence..

It's Only TV, folks...


With all respect, if you don't believe the way gun owners (and shooters) are portrayed on TV affects legislation, that "affects our daily lives" you haven't been paying attention sir.


Are you talking about the Media hyping violence on the news?


Personalites coming on and/or leaving the show have as much bering or impact on laws as "Slapshot" has on Hockey rules or cannonball run had on trafic laws...

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Well... All I gotta say is.... folks... Ya need to get LIVES!

It's like bitchin' about RVD leaving TNA Wrestling.. End of the day, it really don't make a damn bit of diffrence..

It's Only TV, folks...


Yeah, but RVD's The Whole F***in Show!


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...."Is Bobby going to leave Jessica for Rob, or did Jessica find out and wants to arrange a threesome?"


...."Does Carla know Jessica is banging her hubby?"



Guys, you sound like a bunch of soap opera addicted women.

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Well... All I gotta say is.... folks... Ya need to get LIVES!

It's like bitchin' about RVD leaving TNA Wrestling.. End of the day, it really don't make a damn bit of diffrence..

It's Only TV, folks...


Yeah, but RVD's The Whole F***in Show!




Yes, he is.

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  • 3 years later...

Ok, I can see something is messed up with the forum, but hey, we can still have fun! Not touching the rjf thing with a ten foot pole, but hey, necro threads rock! (Especially when the last 20 pages missing for no apparent reason!

Wow. Weird. Went on the site and newest thing I could load was posts from over three years ago. Figured it was some glitch. Went back and reloaded the page on ak triggers I've been following. All is well. Wwwwweirddddd

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Yeah, I know. It was, however, the newest zombie thread. I have no interest in anything red jacket outside of the fact that I have an unconverted x39 I'm looking to have finished. Even before that whole unpleastness red jacket was not in my top 5 selection. Just my opinion.


Nothing against them. The law will decide what needs to be done. Blame the dude in charge of apple that left my I phone4 here. Imma post on some recent stuff now.....

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