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when you get the itch for a new gun how do you justify the purchase?

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I just came to the realization the other day that when I want new gun that I really don't need. I use the excuse that my wife of son might really enjoy shooting that and I should get it if only to further their enjoyment of shooting. Just so you guys know my wife has caught on to this one. So I may be looking for some fresh angles to justify my buying sprees.


How many others use this tactic to buy guns they don't really need?

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A gun hobby is a LOT cheaper than many other hobbies. I can't count how many folks spend tens of thousands of dollars on buying 4 wheelers, a trailer, and a bigger truck to pull it all up the mountain, to go hunting. Now that, is a waste in my mind. If you can't walk the terrain those critters walk, you have no business being out there, and are probably in such bad shape, just trying to pack out an animal will give them a heart attack, AND if they have that kind of cash for the "Hunting accesorries" why the fuck don't they just buy a butchered cow or pig? they obliously do NOT depend on that Elk to feed their family. Cha-Ching!!

My Elk cost me the $20 licence fee, 2 or 3 gallons of gas, my rifle and 1 bullet....and my time and effort.

Even enjoying Motorcycles....His and Hers Harleys???? fuggetaboutit!!! You could buy dozens of guns for that entry price!!!

Also, a gun hold value better than any of those.

I could go on, but my Ol'Lady loves to shoot, so I only need to want it and buy it. If I don't like the gun so much, I just sell it.

How about the logic of buying a $20,000 boat to go catch a fish that you can buy in the store for a few bucks??

Edited by RobRez
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This is all I do.....




Seriously, I get whatever I want, just because I want it. So does the wife....after we pay our bills.

I wouldn't have it any other way!


She talked me into getting my custom 50BMG target rifle, and bought me the optics for it.

I was balking at spending thousands of dollars on it, and she said "You work hard, get it."

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like I posted in another thread... we use the quarter rule...


For every spare quarter in the budget after the bills are paid and groceries bought... we aplit it 3 ways... a nickle goes in saveings " just incase " I get a dime, and she gets a dime.. no questions asked.....no justification ....


I've always used my money to support my gun habbits, she lately has started to help me out with some of this as I finally have her understanding the " state of the union " and she's as concerned as I am... she accepts my judgement on what we need, how much of it we need, and why we need it.... if theres nothing lately she's dieing to have she'll bring me a grand of her money and ask me to " look after things " .... this extra money I spend on food stuffs, long term survival gear, bug in type home improvements and etc etc.....


we know we wll never be fully prepared.... but we also know we have a better shot at makeing it than most.

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For me, it's a trade off. If I want to buy a gun, my wife usually ends up getting something. Bought my XDm45, she got a camera. Got the Saiga 308 she wants an iPad. Glad the local best Buy has layaway......LOL

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you could always use the AWB of '94 as a rule of thumb. just tell her it may get banned if another one comes over the horizon, then you'd be fucked for another 10 yrs or worse.


given our current dollar value, there may be a day when guns and ammo will be more valuable.


or you could say fuck it and use it for a trade in later down the road.


im not married so i dont have this issue. but im glad most of you guys have women that dont seem to mind this habit.

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"The zombie/alien/viral/EMP apocalypse could be around the corner and if we had this, we would be better prepared to deal with it."


"If I get this, then I will be saving so much more money if I buy it later because of inflation and it's such a smokin' deal!"


"These may not be imported anymore according to the guys on the forums and at the gun shop!"


"I sold some stuff before we left to Billy in 4C... you know stuff... some baseball cards.... a sack of marbles... hrrrgghhhmmm.... Petey."

Edited by BuffetDestroyer
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With all the crap going on in this country, my wife is always telling that when SHTF that everyone we know will be coming to our house. So, if they don't bring a gun, they'll need one, RIGHT. To "justify" buying a new gun, if the money is in my pocket, it's "justified", and with some of the ones that I have recently bought and she's given me, just the grin on her face watching me enjoy dumping mags is justification enough, but damn glad I reload all the calibers that I shoot, except 22lr. There's nothing better than the smell of fresh burnt gun powder at 6:00 in the morning, well nothing better than waking up the crack head across the street and watching him freak out. :)

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My wife has always been good about my habit. As of now her concern is buying more food stores, and water filters.


And she has good reason to be concerned. Listen to her. If you have "enough"(never enough guns. hehe) guns and can handle not buying right now. Then stock up on plenty of food an water. You do need those things too. If you are not prepared you are just going to be another poor fool that has to rely on the government for help. Ikes, not thanks,.

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Justify it by showing her your budget and how you have met your obligations and that you each have a personal budget for play money. If it is coming out of your play budget, you don't need to justify it, and she should respect you enough not to complain about how you use your portion. If you are not meeting your obligations and make stupid financial decisions, she doesn't have a lot of reason to trust your judgement. Then everything will be an argument. Show her she can trust your judgement and you won't have to justify things.

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My wife is a QVC junkie and spends money on her scrapbooking stuff, she spends money on her things and I spend it on mine. The bills are paid and we have a decent amount in savings so why not. If all you do is work to pay the bills and die with money in the bank whats the point?

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Sorry, can't help with that. My wife encourages gun and ammo purchases.

Dad, sounds like our wives are cut from the same material! LOL Mine asked me when I got phase one done on the S-12, "wellwhat do you want to start on next? You know, you really do need to get one of those beta mags for the .223 next week, they might go up in price soon" Ya gotta love a woman like that!!
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Some guys go out to the bar every night and spend money getting drunk and screwing loose women.

I'm home every night, but I buy a gun once in a while, she appreciates that.


I might need to re-think this arrangement though......

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If you start going out getting drunk and screwing lose women you might end up regretting your firearm "investments"


Besides whats better in life, a disgusting village bicycle(everyones has had a ride) or a nice gun every so often.

Edited by ZombieJefferson
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