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adapter failures.... ?

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Well im gettin up the balls to get a mag adapter.. after reading far too many posts on both.


In my searches ive only found 2 catasrophic failures... are there any others to report? Crack trunnions etc?


Another question is should i go to a specific adapter if i have dimples? I saw some posts about issues with msa and dimpled recievers..


Does one adapter require less trunnion removal than the other?

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Mind if I chime in?


There are no issues with an adapter and dimpled receivers. We've tested quite a few of both variety. I have a dimpled version here with me now a 2011 production. With that said anyone can botch an install and blame everyone/thing else but themselves. I'm still waiting on anyone to provide undisputable evidence there is a differance between a dimple and non dimple rifle outside of asthetics of dimples.There is the 1.02" required space in the magwell for the adapter to work, both dimpled and non. Now does that mean there won't be problems. No. Just as there are "Vodka Specials" there can always be issues. It's the inheirent risk of doing such a modification.


As far as catastrophic failures I know of three. All of which DID NOT involve an MSA/TAKD adapter. What was concluded as to why they failed was the way the install was performed. Dremel and lack of knowledge of metal work was to blame. Yes cracked trunnion. Spent much time talking to the person/persons involved.


And the BIG question.... which is easier. Honestly it's all subjective and opinions will vary.


Both require material to be removed. I can do it in 15 minutes on a mill but the dremel guy is gonna be there for a while. IF you are using Magpul PMags they are .89" across in width if memory serves. So using the RB adapter you have to open up at least that in width. Our adapter is .96" in width (STANAG/AR15 measurement). This is also allows us to go up in the rifle and provide proper support and feed angle correction to ensure proper function of the rifle. So were talking .07" in width more or .035" per side more than that of the RB adapter. So how much wider is .07"? It's the thickness of a quarter. Cut that quarter in half and thats the diff per side.


With all that said. You can be the judge whats best for you.



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Lol. Going back it looks like the dimple issue was '09


Thanks for the chime. Glad to know there have only been a few fails out of the many mods.


I must say the msa is more streamlined.


Using your 1/4 analogy... how much is shaved off trunnion? Papers thickness? A dime?.... the pics on here, as great as they are, just cant get the right angle

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OK.... look at the head of the rivits on the inside of the trunnion. Open the trunnion up from the middle to even with those... just touching the rivet heads.


DimpleGate 09' LOL


I'd estimate there are about 4.5K plus adapters in circulation from MSA/TAKD alone. So percentage wise yes.. a low failure rate. Our first rifle has 10K plus rounds down the barrel. I'd say it's held up just fine.

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I assume the most important part is to not do too much at once which willcan heat the metal up


EXACTLY! Metal temper is what is lost when you heat cycle the steel and that causes it to be brittle and break. Hence the 3 cracked trunnions.

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