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My stock in RGR shot down from $50-ish a share to $40 a share in 3 days, even with an increase in firearms purchases in the sqme time. But today it was up over 7%. I'd like to think that there was a sell off due to people fashionably dropping stock in gun manufacturers right after the shooting. Now its picking back up because people realize that the threat is not AS iminent as it seems. There's still plenty of guns to be bought and sold, and some companies are about to make a lot of money. Just my .02. I did take out a small personal loan to buy some ammo though. Golden Tiger is back in stock!

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Dictatorships don't pop up overnight. I like to think an AWB won't get passed. But they won't give up there. There will be some sort of "compromise" limiting something stupid and ineffective to crime, like mag capacity, barrel length, how many f-in rails you can have on your handguard. Then they'll ban or restrict something else that doesn't seem like a big deal at the time, like number of purchases per household or something, I don't know that's just a hypothetical. The point is, if this total ban doesn't go through, that won't stop the libtards from chipping away at gun rights. If they do and they're not stopped, that's when we're all sitting around in ten years saying "what the hell happened?"

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I have not bought anything recently and do not plan to. I don't need to. If you waited until now to start thinking about mags and ammo, that was not very smart. But my opinion is that we will not see an AWB passed as long as democrats do not control the House. Just imagine if pelosi was still in charge. After the last election I do not have much confidence in the voters and we may lose the House soon. Then I will worry about an AWB. This pres can still do damage without the House, he has proven that, so I don't completely rule anything out. But for the most part I believe that most of this shit is political posturing so he can say he tried. Grab your nearest gun and bible, cling people cling. Besides, the end of the world is today so who gives a shit. :)

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I think the OP is wrong, I think something is definitely on its way down the pipe. And I say if people were on the fence about getting a gun, whether their first

gun or 10th, or more ammo and mags, now is NOT the time to hesitate if you have the ways and means.

I'm always on the fence about what to buy next. Lol! No more now than ever. The smart choice for me is ammo and mags for what I have. But... Found a couple stripped uppers I'm buying tomorrow. Unless the guy backs out that is.

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I think the OP is wrong, I think something is definitely on its way down the pipe. And I say if people were on the fence about getting a gun, whether their first

gun or 10th, or more ammo and mags, now is NOT the time to hesitate if you have the ways and means.


+100. And anyone claiming it's not is ignorant. The line was drawn when kids where shot up. That ended the "on the fence" of so many people. Obama has outright said "reinstating the AWB is ON MY AGENDA". Period. So trying to calm everyone down so they DON'T buy stuff so YOU can is just plain jerky. This is not our first rodeo. We remember the AWB of past and how long we had to wait to get renewed "standard cap" mags. So this time there may not BE a "sunset clause". Oh... but you want us to wait... LOL! GTFO. So if this is NOT (OP) about yourself having access to this stuff... then what do YOU care if everything is flying off the shelves for? Hmm. I smell a turd and it's not fooling anyone. OP, we are seasoned vets at this stuff and MOST think this is going to be the real deal this time. Follow your own advise then, don't get mags, etc... maybe I'll sell it to you later at 200% markup ;-)

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Maybe I’m wrong but I see it like this....

Price Gouging = Douche Bag

I’m glad to see people buying up the stuff they love at the prices they have been.… I suppose I’d feel different if I didn’t have what I need…

They’re not buying stuff where I live; they’re just taking it…


“The Fort Dodge Police Department is seeking two suspects following a Thursday morning store robbery. Police Chief Tim Carmody says at around 8:00 yesterday morning, two suspects broke into the Iowa Outdoor Store in the 1500 block of 3rd Ave NW and made off with several firearms. Officers reported two glass gun cases shattered and several handguns and long guns stolen. The exact number of weapons is not known. Security video shows the suspects wearing dark heavy clothing and one suspect carrying a dark or purple colored duffle bag. Anyone with information is encouraged to contact Fort Dodge Police.”

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CheaperThanDirt suspended all firearm sales to prevent panic buying from ruining the firearms market, not because they support an AWB.


Or, they did it to double prices on everything and catch the second wave of panic buyers after everyone else sold out> Based on their previous gouging techniques....you decide.


When this AWB eventually flops, people are going to be feeling the pain. Say goodbye to the days of buying 500 rounds of .223 for $100 and seeing AR-15s on the shelves of every single store. I would say we won't be seeing a recovery until next summer or later.


Soooo, when the AWB flops, and noone really needs any more rifles or ammo for awhile....you expect a shortage and shortage pricing?


Best case scenario is that the new AWB flops, and gun sales slow up bigtime due to every swinging johnson just having bought up a bunch of stuff, and then I reap the rewards when prices come down because of the slowdown.


Worst case is, Slow-Bama gets his way and nobody can buy a decent firearm ever again, and bad guys still get their hands on assault weapons just like they do now.

Edited by FatherJohn
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Brownells, the world's largest supplier of firearms, has reportedly sold three-and-a-half years worth of magazines in just seventy-two hours.




Capitalism at it's finest


Edit: check this out, qty-2 Pmags



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Brownells, the world's largest supplier of firearms, has reportedly sold three-and-a-half years worth of magazines in just seventy-two hours.




Capitalism at it's finest


Edit: check this out, qty-2 Pmags




eyes_droped.gif Fuck that.

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I had fun doing some panic buying tonight, playing hide-n-seek with different mags.

I bought four Romy 40rd mags, three AGP 10rd mags, two XD9 16rd, and I also picked up another JuggerNaught Graphics Tshirt 032.gif


Wishing I could find some reasonably priced AR15 mags, I found some but they were double-triple post SHTF prices.

C Products, AR15 .223, stainless steel, orange follower - $24.95

Edited by ChileRelleno
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Dang'it, he restocked the AGP 10rd too... I'dve bought from S12.com rather than directly from AGP... And Mack is a dollar cheaper.

And he has more SGM too.

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Dang'it, he restocked the AGP 10rd too... I'dve bought from S12.com rather than directly from AGP... And Mack is a dollar cheaper.

And he has more SGM too.

That's what I'm sayin' Brother..

I want as much equipment on the street before anything can happen. Hell, so far as Fienstein said her ban stuff's not retroactive, so the more we all have to last a lifetime, the better, but moreover, That store keeps this site up.

My shit's going to take a hit because people need to acquire right now, that's #1 priority if people haven't already or at least it really should be IMHO. I myself just topped off a mag & ammo need that all of a sudden seemed a bit more urgent.

Hell, I can take the hit & just pull on-call shifts at hospital's Acute Behavioral Health Sciences units to weather a storm & fill in financial gaps to still keep the business running until restructuring if need be. I've kept my credentials for the career I use as a backup in between technical gigs current for a reason. The S-12 is the hardest core, baddest ass platform out there, so we all knew very well that it's eventually gonna get in someone's sights and be threatened. We've all always known that. It's just too fucking cool not to.

Right now, people who've waited need to acquire, and I'm saying if it's for the S-12, hit Max's site first.

As far as me and (I hope) half the vendors here it'll be the first place WE stop, because it's a literal investment in our business's futures. Even if he's a few bucks more on something, I'm hitting him up first for now, just like I will search to the ends of the nation to find US made tools.

If Max's MJS-Global is hit hard during a lul due to legal battles, import harassment, or whatever, the whole informational base for the platform here that's been being built for the last 8 years takes a hike, this particular community, everybody here's virtual personas, most of the craftsmen and all.

I'd rather help pad that to help it weather a storm if I can.

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O.K. I did it, I found an MD -20 drum at What A Country and when I went to check out their site froze up. It was early in the morning so i couldn't call. I panicked and ordered one from Copes a few hours later then recieved the confirmation that What A Country was shipping my order so now I will have two! Any one want one for $999 in todays market that is a steal, just kidding I will keep both of them. You never know when you might need a spare!

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