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Hello everybody, great forum. I am currently working on my first conversion and have a question about the fire control group. Do you guys reshape your hammers? I notice the arsenal/bulgarian hammer combo doesn't strike the bolt square but does hit the firing pin square. Is this a non-issue or shall I continue with refacing the hammer?

Thank You.


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What is peening exactly? I have not shot the rifle yet it is just something that I noticed and did a little research on the web and saw a couple incidents where the hammer was not correctly profiled.

Thank You.

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Peening is the process of working a metal's surface to improve its material properties, usually by mechanical means such as hammer blows or by blasting with shot (shot peening). Peening is normally a cold work process (laser peening being a notable exception[citation needed]). It tends to expand the surface of the cold metal, thereby inducing compressive stresses or relieving tensile stresses already present. Peening can also encourage strain hardening of the surface metal

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