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I realize I am a new poster here. Please see my feedback on AR15.com http://www.ar15.com/member/member.html?id=125898 as well as Ebay http://myworld.ebay.com/minrott1979


Now, to be perfectly up front and honest. This gun doesn't work. It never has, since I've owned it. It's had days, where it would trick me into thinking it was working, only to make an ass out of me the next when I tried to run it in a 3 gun match. I'm a mechanical person, I make things for a living, I don't believe in ghosts, but I'm pretty sure that this shotgun is some reincarnated fiend who's sole purpose in the afterlife is to screw with me. Details of my woe can be seen here http://forum.saiga-12.com/index.php?/topic/89373-at-my-wits-end-with-my-s-12/


This shotgun has:


DPH 6 position plug. Postion 6 has been opened up further.

CSS puck

Chaos Rail

Ace 9.5" stock

G2 trigger (CSS basic conversion kit)

No bead, no rear sight (removed, gone)

No stock parts

The bolt carrier has been drilled and tapped and a left side charging handle installed

The top cover has been milled for the charging handle

I made and soldered a trigger finger magazine release to the OE paddle release

The barrel has a 4th gas hole drilled into it

The trigger and bolt have been reprofiled

Ejector welded up taller/longer

The side rail can be included but is not attached to the receiver

Magwell installed

4 magazines included: 1 Promag 10 round, 1 stock 5 round mag, 2 SGM 12 round mags with extended springs.




Let's try $500 shipped to your FFL. FTF in Wisconsin and take off $35 for shipping. Too much? Make an offer. I'm tired of investing time and money into it, and I would rather sell it here, to someone that might just be able to make it work, or has enough interest in the design itself to want to make one work, than to some schmoe who has no idea what he's getting in to. I would add cash in trade for a Mossberg JM 930. In fact, I would go beyond my initial asking price and offer this gun + accessories and $300 cash for an unmodified LNIB JM 930.














Edited by kuraki
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