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Two-Piece Forearm Rail Options for the .308?

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Hi All,


I'm finally doing a conversion for my 2 .308s and have been trying to find a good forearm setup.  I'd like to have rails for both rifles, but would like something for a two-piece setup (already converted with tubes from Dinzag).  It's not clear to me what options are available - looks like everything's for stock setup.  Any pointers to rails that may work?




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I've got the CSS aluminium quad rail on my .308 and I love it. There is a ring attached to the lower rail section that installs around the barrel to help hold the rail steady and zeroed in addition to the bolt where the rear of the rail meets the receciever that other cheaper rails don't have (Not that there really is a"cheap" quad rail option the .308 like there are for the smaller calibers).  

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  • 11 months later...

I have the CSS quad rail also.  It's easy to install, super sturdy and looks gnarly.  I have no idea what to use all 4 rails for, but I'll think of something.  I have a bipod/sling mount, a vertical grip and a light.  Plenty of room for more optics, an IR blaster, and maybe a laser.  Or a grenade launcher.  JK.  Or am i???

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