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Improved BHO? One that won't fall inside?

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I've searched the forum, but there's so much on just removing the BHO, or the dental floss string trick to get the spring to seat, or improving the spring notch in the BHO lever, I couldn't find more info. 


I've seen the Carolina Shooter's Supply BHO, and I know it's easier to install into the FCG, and doesn't need three hands to put in, what I'm looking for is to find if anyone knows if it or some other BHO is more reliable. 


Does anyone make a reliability enhanced BHO, or can confirm the CSS BHO won't slip out? I found the BHO convenient for seating full mags and drums, and would just rather use the BHO... if it worked, than going through the hassle to re-profile my bolt. I've done the mod with the deeper spring retaining notch, but I've still had the BHO slip it's spring, and also had it fall all the way up into the receiver and lock the bolt and FCG up on more than one occasion and have had to ditch it entirely for now. 

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There's nothing wrong with the BHO. Your issue is that your hammer axle is too short for your receiver and gives it excess side play. Put a washer or two on that axis pin so that the BHO is held firmly against the side but can still move properly. Problem solved.

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I know I've posted pics of where to tweak the hammer spring to hold the BHO lever against the receiver.


Can't find it, so here it is again. 


Edited by Yeoldetool
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I wonder if we can find a different acronym for this part. You guys know what BHO stands for, right? Even the initials give me the willies. :-/

I DO wish BHO would fall. Inside, outside...don't care, and long as there's a fall....and soon.


..but we're not that lucky.

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