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I love the look of the movie thus far. J.J.'s movies tend to have a realistic look to what CGI is used, so I'm really looking forward to see the flight and aerial combat sequences.


And he's a big-time Star Wars traditionalist style of fan, so that bodes very well for us, indeed. His 2009 Star Trek was fantastic and faithful to the original canon. And he wasn't even a Trek fan. I'm excited.


On a side note, have you guys heard of the idiotic 'fans' bitching about a black guy being a Stormtrooper? Absolutely pathetic.

I guess they're upset, because, 30 years after RotJ, the Stormies are no longer clones of a badass Maori.

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If you're going by what's considered the official Star Wars canon, by the time of the FIRST Star Wars movie (ep 4), the Stormtroopers were no longer a clone army, and had a large number of enlisted recruits. The Clone Wars were even referenced in the original movie.

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If you're going by what's considered the official Star Wars canon, by the time of the FIRST Star Wars movie (ep 4), the Stormtroopers were no longer a clone army, and had a large number of enlisted recruits. The Clone Wars were even referenced in the original movie.


I know what you're saying. The Empire was supposed to have conscripts fill the role of many Stormtroopers, but I'm pretty sure George decided to dub in Jango's voice for the Stormies in one of the Special Edirions of Episode 4. I could be wrong, however, as I had decidedto banish anything "Star Wars" from my television or shelves as long as Lucas continued to own the franchise after he(or someone at Lucasfilm) made the Mandalorians into some sort of Coruscanti-esque aristocratic civilization, instead of keeping them the rough-and-tumble nomads that they had been built to be in the books.


By the way, dismissing the book genre as bogus canon material by Lucasfilm was a huge mistake, and it ruined the great "Republic/Imperial Commando" book series.

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It always seemed retarded that they couldn't aim, or were just generally incompetent in the movies. It made them totally unbelievable as villains.


I believe in the books, Stormtroopers are generally what they sound like they would be, but I haven't read any of them. Just taken on the word from a friend of mine who is a bigger SW nerd than me, and has a lot of the SW books.

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It always seemed retarded that they couldn't aim, or were just generally incompetent in the movies.



They shoot better when they're not on screen.  "Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise."


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I loved the old Mad Magazine spoof...


"Luke, I am your Father. Join me."


"Come on, Dad wasn't black."


"This is a plastic mask you dip. Join me!"


"If you're such a great leader, why are 6 of your Generals lying dead on the floor?"


"Okay, so I'm a little short tempered. Join me."

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I'm DEFINITELY a Star Wars fan.


 Not sure if I'm a geek or a nerd though. Probably geek. I prefer to call myself a "Trilogian", as I only recognize the original trilogy and consider the prequels about the same way I would expanded universe comic books. Mostly because of Lucas introducing the whole "Barney the Dinosaur factor" with Jar Jar, so the little kids would watch. 


 So, how much of a geek am I? Well, one of my hobbies is designing custom lightsaber hilts (no, they can't cut anything). They're basically flashlights with a plastic tube for a blade and custom sound effects. Here's the saber I'm most known for:





 Underneath the brass coverings, it looks like this:





A video:



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Since I grew up on the original Star Wars movies, I can't wait to see the new ones. I know that George Lucas almost killed the franchise with the last 3 clunkers, but I still have hope. JJ Abrams did a great job restarting the Star Trek franchise, in my opinion.  So, I am optimistic. The joy I have is seeing my son so into the Star Wars universe as I was. When I was a kid back in the late 70s and 80s, I had Star Wars ships, figures, lunch box, read along records, VHS movies, bed sheets, curtains, cups, plates, and anything else they could put Star Wars on. My son has tons of Star Wars stuff. I actually replaced my VHS collection about 2 years ago with the DVD collectors set, and both my son and daughter have been watching it like crazy. I think when my son saw Princess Leah in the gold slave bikini, he became a man, just as when I saw it in what, 1983? As much as I can't stand the newer 3 prequel movies, I think Natalie Portman is really cute, but she, along with princess Leah is a strong female lead my daughter can root for. As far as Jar Jar Binks, I hate him as well. But, just maybe, we hate him because was an evil Sith Lord????

https://www.reddit.com/comments/3qvj6w   (Not my blog)

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The two legged, hairy vaginas, 'Ewoks' blew it for me.  Ja-Ja Binks really stunk as well.  Star Trek dude here.  But I will watch it...anything to get away from the wife...smile.png


Shields Up!  Prepped for retaliation! smile.png

After the prequels I said no more.  But Lucas is out of the picture (pun intended) and all indications are that Abrams is a genuine fan of the original trilogy and Ep 7 is back to being what we all loved about Star Wars before jar jar et al. 


I liked what Abrams did with Trek, other than the destruction of Vulcan.  I guess he felt he needed something completely over the top to explain the much more emotional Spock.

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We have our reserved tickets for prime reclining leather seats on the 21st. best Christmas present in years!


I love that JJ Abrams brought back all of the late 70s styled tech for the new movies. Everything looks to be shaping up for a proper continuation of the series

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