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good shotgun to try and build a AA-12 of off?

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basically looking for a lame semi auto gun, that could be adapted to putting a massive recoil/buffer spring behind the bolt instead of in front of it… 

while reimagineering it, you can do the bull pup style design and possible incorporate a detachable mag fed design…but first i would focus on finding the right shotty and not infringing on the aa12 patent.

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Custom, purpose built reciever with s12 internals? Springs already behind the bolt, theres already mags availible. Design the reciever for a bullpup config from the begining. Easily inserted/dropped magwell mags, easily manipulated mag release and safety and a well thought out trigger will be key.

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basically looking for a lame semi auto gun, that could be adapted to putting a massive recoil/buffer spring behind the bolt instead of in front of it… 

while reimagineering it, you can do the bull pup style design and possible incorporate a detachable mag fed design…but first i would focus on finding the right shotty and not infringing on the aa12 patent.



you don't need to go through that nutroll, something like you want already exist, it's called the KUSHNAPUP conversion for the S12




recoil spring behind the bolt; check


bullpup style; check


detachable magazine; check

Edited by Matthew Hopkins
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Isnt the kushnapup two plastic halves screwed together? Looks cheap. How is the trigger linkage? Are the mags easily inserted/dropped? Is the mag release and saftey easily manipulated?


The ability to add keymod rails as needed would be nice and cut back on unecessary weight.

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How about a Left Hand bull pup? I do not care how it is put together or what it is made of, just that it works extremely well. The future of firearms is probably more plastic major and minor parts. Use the firearm for about 5000 rounds, then break it apart and use the pieces for fire starters to stay warm. Only the barrel liner, bolt group, the fire control group wearing edges and the springs are steel, the rest is plastic. HB of CJ (old coot)

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High quality polymer is acceptable (glock) but two plus pieces of questionable plastic held together with screws sounds crappy imo. Kind of like a factory saiga mag v.s. the aftermarket ones that are two pieces screwed together. Or circle10 v.s. tapco or sgm, they might work but I wouldnt trust my life to them if at all possible.


If you go polymer make sure you use a high quality formula along the lines of glock or circle 10

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Would upgrading to push-pull captive pins work for replacing the screws holding the whole thing together? How about a separate fire control group like already done for 80 years? Make the gun so with just a few quick moves, all the guts comes out the end of the butt stock? Modular. Full Ambo potential with no extra parts.


Kinda like the Stoner concept or the "Man From Uncle" TV series guns. Just thinking a little bit here. Something made in the USA. The sum of all the parts come to about $100 bucks or less. The gun sells for what the market will bear. Build it good enough and it will sell. I think. HB of CJ (old coot)


Also thinking robot factories where raw stuff goes in one end and the finish product comes out the other. Humans need not enter.

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