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Hey guys, Havent posted here in quite a long time. Been reading through posts and thinking I need to spend more time here. Anyway Im looking for some input on what is a fair price for a stock S20. I googled but couldnt really find any new for sale from retailers. Ive owned S12's and really miss them. Looking to get back into Saiga shotguns but I dont want pay the "OMG THEY'RE BANNED" price. Have a chance to make an offer on a new S20 but Im not sure what to offer.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

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Oh My. That seems....... steep! Ive seen the S12's for less than that tonight online. Didnt really see many S20's. Been so long I cant recall but I seem to remember the S20's always being cheaper because the demand wasnt as high. 


Has that changed or what???

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I picked one up nib last week for 600... Typically speaking s20 aren't as desirable because 20ga in general isn't super desirable meaning load option z for it suck. If you reload check out the Lyman 525. Firkin great accurate home cast slug. They say 20 has better BC cause its smaller diamete . Kinda well duh but worth mentionin . Good luck!

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Yeah thats what I was thinking. $600 sounds closer to what I expected. I know the 20ga isnt as desirable for several reasons which is why I am looking for input on the current market value. Personally I like a 20ga!!!

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