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Turks shoot down Russian jet, rebels kill the crew

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The Russian aircraft barely crossed into turkish airspace if it did at all. Their (turkish) own radar showed that.


They shot the aircraft down because it was bombing a Turkish rebel group that is operating in Syria, with the backing of the Turkish army apparently. 

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Turkey sympathizes with ISIS. I think they are itching to get their dicks smacked. They do not belong in the EU. I would not give a fuck if Russia began bombing them tomorrow.

Edited by mancat
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Latest report says that the Syrian Army has one of the pilots.


I'm for a Kurdistan State. Let them take northern Iraq and south eastern Turkey and we would have a reliable ally.


Screw Turkey.

Edited by Sim_Player
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NATO and Russia should just stage a massive, and I mean MASSIVE military buildup, something that hasn't been seen since WWII, right along the border. Tell ISIS, we are going to obliterate you unless you surrender all your heavy weaponr and the following list of assholes. You've got 24 hrs. Simple as that. If these dumb asses really want a war, not a limited scale thing, but an all out war, give it to them. It would be over quick.

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I think he needed an excuse to escalate things. Now the Russians will send in ground troops, tanks, more planes, more SAMS, more of everything. They will take Syria as their own and in the process shoot down a few NATO planes by mistake with their SAMS. All the while, expect them to drive ISIS into the Iraqi desert and ultimately destroy them.

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Putin has been deploying AA S-300 missiles in Syria from day 1.


At the flip of a switch, he can restrict Syrian Airspace to Russian and Syrian Planes.


No more American ammunition resupplies.


We should be backing up Israel with weapons ammo and intel.


Ezekial 37.

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well Russia just more or less announced they bombed a Turkish convoy crossing into Syria that appeared to be running supplies to ISIS.


does Turkey get to remain a NATO member still?


(yes it is RT so skepticism is warranted)



Edited by mancat
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The targets the Russians were bombing were in a salient on the Turkish border. Russians have been flying over the border to attack the Turkomen from day one. This is Vlad pulling out his cock and telling Turkey FUCK YOU. Bad decesion! This was done to prop up Assad, as he is the bastard buying the oil, and also the asshole that gives Vlad a base to aperate from.

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Whatever else is true I wont condemn the islamo-idiots for taking out an airman that was blowing them to bits five minutes earlier.

Really detest that bunch but lets save our disdain for those acts that deserve it. 


As for the US its become fairly plain who is behind ISIS. Great to be an American these days... 

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