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H.Res.569 - Condemning violence, bigotry, and hateful rhetoric towards

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Their so called religion calls for them to kill me, enslave and rape or murder my wife and daughters.

Their book tells them to cut off our heads, steal our possessions.

It says to lie to us in order to subdue us, I could go on and on with the pure evil shit contained in their (holy) books.


I am NOT fooled by the religion of peace.

IF they PAY the $50.00 service fee...then and only then....they can kiss my ass

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I cannot for the life of me fathom what Washington's fascination with Islam is.

We already have laws against hate crimes. Why the fuck would white people ( look at the bills author) want to elevate muslims to a supreme status above criticism or insult?

What are they gaining? Fuck man.....I don't get this Muslim worship bullshit.

It's not like the Jews who were getting round up and killed. This is like..... forbidding criticing the NAZI..

Only thing I could imagine is a long term goal to have a dictatorship/ theocracy...

Who sells their future or like that?

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Islam is INCOMPATIBLE with ANY other philosophy!!  It DOES NOT tolerate ANY discussion of the matter. Under it's tenants, EVERYONE must submit OR DIE!

There is only ONE 'end game', a TOTAL WORLD WAR. This is what Islam is fighting TODAY, they AR%E AT WAR - against the entire rest of the world.

They will try to win by ANY means, even sending their children against us as sleeper agents (HBO) or suicide bombers.

Appeasing Muslims is like appeasing Hitler - it just makes them hungry for MORE!

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Islam is INCOMPATIBLE with ANY other philosophy!!  It DOES NOT tolerate ANY discussion of the matter. Under it's tenants, EVERYONE must submit OR DIE!

There is only ONE 'end game', a TOTAL WORLD WAR. This is what Islam is fighting TODAY, they AR%E AT WAR - against the entire rest of the world.

They will try to win by ANY means, even sending their children against us as sleeper agents (HBO) or suicide bombers.

Appeasing Muslims is like appeasing Hitler - it just makes them hungry for MORE!

You are awake.

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We have 1600 years of history showing the abject barbarism of islam.


Much longer that. Even Jehovah let us know thru Abraham what the moon worshippers would bring.


It was foretold that lshmael would be:


“a wild ass among men; his hand shall be against every man, and every man’s hand against him. And he shall dwell over against all his brethren” (Genesis 16:12).

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I am not religiously oriented and probably am best described as a pragmatic rational Agnostic.  I do not know if there is a God.  I also try to separate people and politics from their choice of religion.  Could it be examples of the Human Condition?  You will always have assholes.  The big problem with Islam is that their politics IS their religion and the other way aground.  Yikes!


How do we go about separating folks who are normal and good from those who will always be around who are not nice and good?  There in lies the rub.  There will always be crazy criminal assholes who need to be killed.  Their religion should not matter into it.  However ... the big problem now is determining the differences.  Very difficult to peel that onion.  Difficult times ahead.  Just me.

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I am not religiously oriented and probably am best described as a pragmatic rational Agnostic.  I do not know if there is a God.  I also try to separate people and politics from their choice of religion.  Could it be examples of the Human Condition?  You will always have assholes.  The big problem with Islam is that their politics IS their religion and the other way aground.  Yikes!


How do we go about separating folks who are normal and good from those who will always be around who are not nice and good?  There in lies the rub.  There will always be crazy criminal assholes who need to be killed.  Their religion should not matter into it.  However ... the big problem now is determining the differences.  Very difficult to peel that onion.  Difficult times ahead.  Just me.

Well from what I've seen other places is that the moderates will be chill that's their nature.. but they'll support the radicals if they come into power and every infidel is shit out of luck at that point. They won't raise a finger to stop it, and they'll even offer tangible support to the radicals if required.

There are some like the Kurds who'll fight the crazy bat shit radicals, but those are a special case.

Malaysia gives a great example. Some of the most laid back people in KL, but move up to rural Kuta Ba'Haru and it's all head wraps, prohibition and beheadings. Nobody in KL gives a shit it's going on either.

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You know in all reality, the death to America, the beheadings,burnings, shootings, bombings  mass murders , rapes , ect


Seem pretty much like REAL live hate speech to me


Pretty sick of this bullshit islamophobia  crap, as far as I know not one has been murdered here in the USA.


They on the other hand have murdered THOUSANDS of Americans.

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Identification?  Are the ragheads assholes?  Or assholes who just also happen to be ragheads?  Are they ALL assholes?  Is it important to separate the assholes from the ragheads?  Can one separate the two?  Should we?  Must we?  I always try to blame the person, not the religion, but then again I am not religious. For a religious person it might be much more difficult to separate the two.  House resolution 569 bounces from me because I do not understand the fixation of combining the person with the religion.  Just me.  Respectfully.  And I may have it wrong.  Perhaps one MUST combine the two, but that does not make any logical sense to me.  Kinda like separating out gun owners or left handed people from Republicans?

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The real problem is that most of the "moderate" muslims who won't commit violence themselves will sit by in silence while the jihadis commit murder, rape, and mayhem. Even if most of the muslims you let in aren't terrorists, they will be the ecosystem that supports jihadis before a terrorist incident, and harbors the fugitives after one.


The percentage who will actually rat out the jihadis beforehand is pretty small.

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You know in all reality, the death to America, the beheadings,burnings, shootings, bombings  mass murders , rapes , ect


Seem pretty much like REAL live hate speech to me


Pretty sick of this bullshit islamophobia  crap, as far as I know not one has been murdered here in the USA.


They on the other hand have murdered THOUSANDS of Americans.

I was just talking about this. Supposedly their marginalized and targeted.. yet you'd think the news would have story after story of them being victimized... what have we got?

Fort hood shooter, San Diego shooters, that prick in MI who beheaded his coworker and stabbed another.. oh and poor clock boy..

that's it.

If there WAS any cases you know the media would be ALL OVER it

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The real problem is that most of the "moderate" muslims who won't commit violence themselves will sit by in silence while the jihadis commit murder, rape, and mayhem. Even if most of the muslims you let in aren't terrorists, they will be the ecosystem that supports jihadis before a terrorist incident, and harbors the fugitives after one.


The percentage who will actually rat out the jihadis beforehand is pretty small.


If you KNOW someone is committing a murder and you do nothing, that makes you complicit; thus you can be tried as an accessory.

Same thing goes for the "peaceful" muslims doing NOTHING while their brethren rape, murder, pillage and rampage.

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You know in all reality, the death to America, the beheadings,burnings, shootings, bombings  mass murders , rapes , ect


Seem pretty much like REAL live hate speech to me


Pretty sick of this bullshit islamophobia  crap, as far as I know not one has been murdered here in the USA.


They on the other hand have murdered THOUSANDS of Americans.

I was just talking about this. Supposedly their marginalized and targeted.. yet you'd think the news would have story after story of them being victimized... what have we got?

Fort hood shooter, San Diego shooters, that prick in MI who beheaded his coworker and stabbed another.. oh and poor clock boy..

that's it.

If there WAS any cases you know the media would be ALL OVER it


Remember recently some one put bacon an a mosque door knob.


The way the media covered it...it was the hate crime of the century

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The real problem is that most of the "moderate" muslims who won't commit violence themselves will sit by in silence while the jihadis commit murder, rape, and mayhem. Even if most of the muslims you let in aren't terrorists, they will be the ecosystem that supports jihadis before a terrorist incident, and harbors the fugitives after one.


The percentage who will actually rat out the jihadis beforehand is pretty small.


If you KNOW someone is committing a murder and you do nothing, that makes you complicit; thus you can be tried as an accessory.

Same thing goes for the "peaceful" muslims doing NOTHING while their brethren rape, murder, pillage and rampage.


With the exception of a few talking heads, mostly from Cair (co conspirator in 911) there has been NO outcry from muslims here or abroad .


Obviously cair is spewing lies (as prescribed by their books)" taqiyya"

They all read the same koran the same sharia law, the same "dhimmitude" or persecution of non muslims.

They are all called to the same "jihad"  holy war or struggle against non muslims

There is a LONG list of things ABSOLUTELY required by islam of their followers.

None of them are good for any non muslim.


The tenants of this so called religion and its long history are crystal clear.

To call it the religion of peace is the greatest lie in human history!!!!!!!!!!


Here is a very short primer on islam.....it BARELY scratches the surface


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