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Harriet Tubman To Replace Andy Jackson On US Five Dollar Bill? ...

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Just when it could not get any stranger ... it does?  According to Fox News on 20 April, 2016, the US Treasury department will announce that the new Five Dollar Bill will feature Harriet Tubman instead of former President Andrew Jackson.


If it had not been for Andy, the Western USA would possibly still be under British Rule?  Just what has Harriet done for the entire country?  Maybe I am just getting overly sensitive here, but is our Federal Government gone over the top?  Respectfully.


What could be next?  I for one never considered living to see this stuff.


Edited by HB.  Big mistake.  I meant 20 dollar bills.

Edited by HB of CJ
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This could be yet another in a string of diversionary tactics aimed at keeping us occupied with minutiae while much more important atrocities are happening.

Bullshit.  The founding fathers were British subjects and they committed high treason against their king.   You may hold whatever opinions you like about right and wrong, but facts are facts.

If folks were half as concerned about earning money than who's on it. We'd be a lot better off...

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That ain't right.


Andrew Jackson did more for the Nation, and the world than Tubman ever COULD have.


She's a hateful looking old bag too.


Don't like history? Erase it.


Revisionism at work.

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Seriously, this is a teachable moment that the dems were stupid enough to give us.  The republicans should embrace this, and issue a statement that reminds everybody that the democrats are the party of slavery, and that they are proud to have their member Harriet Tubman replacing Jackson, who built his wealth on slave labor, and promoted genocide against the native americans.


Then follow it up by proposing to remove KKK supporting democrat Woodrow Wilson from the $100,000 bill, and replace him with somebody like republican Frederick Douglass.


Then watch their heads explode.

Edited by Netpackrat
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Call me old fashioned, but I dont like this kind of change.


I figured the early presidents were good enough



She was a pretty spectacular person due our respect.


but I like the old guys, and automatically opposed to anything under this administration....even if its goodhaha.gif

Edited by unforgiven
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Call me old fashioned, but I dont like this kind of change.


I figured the early presidents were good enough



She was a pretty spectacular person due our respect.


but I like the old guys, and automatically opposed to anything under this administration....even if its goodhaha.gif



Smoke and mirrors. A token gesture to #blacklivesmatterbecausetheycanbeexploited.


Makes me glad I have a short life-span. Can you imagine enduring hundreds of years of political think?


Then again, I would be happy raising sheep, picking olives, and making grape wine if I was left alone.

Edited by Sim_Player
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Just one more step by this administration re-right a history they don't like and change a country they don believe in.1st it was the Confederate flag, then they want to let queers, perverts, and pedophiles in anyone's bathroom....now this. I have had enough of this shit. Wait to they start rolling out the $1000 a gun tax plan one of our terittories just adopted hits the main land it being pushed as the new model... Some of us liked this country just the way it was.

Edited by sccritterkiller
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Render unto Cesar and all that.


It's all just funny money at this point anyway.


Jackson would probably be relieved to be disassociated from our corrupt fiat currency at this point. The mass indoctrination and revisionist history being jammed down the throats of our kids in the public indoctrination system is for worse imho.

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We must understand that what Harriet Tubman did when she did it and how she did were high felony crimes at that time.  If she had been caught she would have been legally tried and hung by the neck until dead.  What she did was very illegal. 


But we also need to understand that history is painted with a broad brush and only the victorious do the painting.  I for one find it non comprehensible that our nation would glorify such a HISTORICAL CRIMINAL!  LITERALLY UNBELIEVABLE!  


So now it seems she will appear on our TWENTY dollar bills?  Why not just use Hitlers or Stalins picture instead and get it all over with?  Any other historical criminals and not nice people that today we convert into big heros?  Any examples?


I am really pissed about this.  More letters, phone calls and E mails.  I have to keep thinking my response to MY elected officials is still having some positive effect.  But then again I still believe our Country is a Nation Of Law and not of man.


Shit piss fuck.  Yep!  sad.pngsad.pngsad.png

Edited by HB of CJ
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We must understand that what Harriet Tubman did when she did it and how she did were high felony crimes at that time.  If she had been caught she would have been legally tried and hung by the neck until dead.  What she did was very illegal. 


But we also need to understand that history is painted with a broad brush and only the victorious do the painting.  I for one find it non comprehensible that our nation would glorify such a HISTORICAL CRIMINAL!  LITERALLY UNBELIEVABLE!  


Yeah, it's bad enough that we've already got known traitors like Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Hamilton, and Franklin on our money.  Now we are going to glorify a notorious thief, who stole innocent southerners' property, and transported it across state lines! 



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Stop and listen to yourself for a minute... You are defending one of the greatest evils that one man can commit upon another.  I'm not sure what is more astounding, that you would seriously criticize somebody who fought to free slaves, or that a guy whose avatar incorporates elements of the confederate battle flag has to tell you that.

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